A true classic, Super Mario Bros. 3 is the kind of NES platformer I've had fun revisiting countless times. Super Mario Bros. 3 is a nice improvement over everything before it, but I find it a tad bit too frustrating at times and the level design is slightly worse than what we get in World. Still a must have.

Kino, XC2 is the second best game in the franchise, only beaten by Xenogears. What makes XC2 so good are its character-driven plot, its addictive soundtrack, its top notch world and worldbuilding and its battle system. However it should be noted that the game is held back by a needless gacha system and some pretty awful character designs, which hold it back from reaching the level of perfection that Xenogears accomplished. These are minor criticisms though as the gacha can be ignored and the truly awful character designs are found in that system. I recommend this game to any JRPG fans with a Switch.

A fantastic gem that falls just short of its sequel and is still leagues below Xenogears. XC1 was a very impressive game in its time, and it still is, as a Wii JRPG that is almost open world despite being extremely linear. While the plot and characters are weaker than what can be found in its sequel, this game is still worth experiencing because the story is still good, the battle system is neat, and the world itself is phenomenal. Everybody needs to experience this whole franchise.

A decent soft reboot, I remember this game for its nice little side comtent more than I remember it for the mostly mediocre selection of levels.

Hands down the best classic platformer, Super Mario World is timeless and filled to the brim with great levels.

Mario Odyssey is an enigma, it has some of the best controls of any 3D platformer I've ever played, and it looks beautiful, but there's almost zero difficulty and the game is mostly a barebones collectathon.

A pretty great Mario Party game made up of classics from 1-3, and even has good online play. The only problem is a lack of boards, but it's otherwise really excellent.

A crossover party game that hasn't exactly aged well..

A pretty good 3D Mario game, but pretty forgettable and it doesn't really hold up to most of the others. There's honestly very little reason to play this unless you're craving more Mario.

Paper Mario is an RPG that I can't help but admire. It takes a classic series, adds a cool paper aesthetic to it, has a mostly unique and engaging battle system, has a good soundtrack and a cute story... The game's simply excellent. My only real gripes with this game lie in how the story isn't too memorable to me, but I can't really fault a Mario game for that. Still, it's something I'd like out of an RPG so I can't quite give this a full 5 stars.

This game is a bit better than I'd like to admit, the controls feel great and the difficulty feels just right. On the other hand it's a known reskin and as a result you can't give the game too much credit besides for the Mario aesthetic and the soundtrack, which by the way isn't too great. This game is a little below average but can still be a little fun from time to time.

The best platformer of the NES era, and in my opinion signifigantly better than most Sonic games to this day, the original Super Mario Bros has spot on platforming, good difficulty, has way more smooth controls than it has any right having, and the music is timeless. This is a classic game I pick up and play frequently.

Soulless, an unnecessary sequel to Earthbound with even more sad attempts at quirky humor. While Earthbound improved the gameplay of Mother 1 but had worse writing, Mother 3 is a step backwards in both regards. Sure the combat is fun sometimes, but I feel it's not worth dealing with the cringe inducing attempt at comedy. Also wannabe intellectuals will tell you this game is some deep message about capitalism and politics but it's really just juvenile drivel about greed in general. This game's not worth it unless you're dead set on playing all 3 games.

A classic RPG of which you've probably had shoved down your throat enough by now. Earthbound undeniably has improved gameplay from the original, but is a step down when it comes to the writing, soundtrack and atmosphere in my opinion. Earthbound tries to be even quirkier but it ends up feeling a little too insincere and forced, something that wasn't a problem with the first game. On the other hand, this game is still leagues above the trash indie RPGs that are inspired by it like Underfail.