Village is, all around, a good if not great entry to the franchise. The story is a continuation from RE7, while the gameplay takes more inspiration from RE4 while being better than 4 in basically every regard. Don't start with this game, if you want to start with a modern RE start with 7. Once you play 7 though, jump to this, it's fantastic and a great continuation of Ethan's journey with more of an action focus to it.

One of the best Metroid games in a long while, Dread feels a lot like Super Metroid but doesn't quite reach the same highs. Metroid Dread does well to balance out the game so newcomers can enjoy it, while also including lots of tech for hardcore fans to find all sorts of skips. While Metroid is great on a fundamental level, I found the story and atmosphere to be lacking compared to previous games, and the soundtrack is only decent. A good Metroid game for sure, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed.

Surprisingly good, Pokemon Legends: Arceus is actual innovation in a stagnant series. While the visuals are very hit or miss, and the boss battles leave room to be desired, this is a must play for Pokemon fans. This is a step in the right direction as it's the closest thing to what I always wanted from the series growing up.

This game took me nearly 300 hours to platinum. The first things that come to mind when I think about Stardew Valley are Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons, but indie and with awkward combat. This game has so much going for it that I'm torn between giving it a 3.5 or a 4, because I feel as though it's solid in most regards but lacks a lot of the charm I get from older Story of Seasons games. Don't get me wrong, Stardew Valley has charm, but a lot of it feels like it's trying to be an indie game, something I have a hard time putting into words. The aesthetic it's going for is absolutely not my cup of tea, but the gameplay is too refined to ignore. What you get with this game is a Story of Seasons clone that has good farming, livestock raising, and decorating elements, with decent if somewhat mediocre social sim elements and annoying combat. Personally I feel that the platinum was worth it, especially due to its rarity, but I wouldn't recommend many others to try it out.

An excellent gacha with occasionally tough action gameplay. Despite being an original IP marketed as a blockbuster Nintendo mobile game, it's surprisingly fresh and extremely F2P friendly, similar to Fire Emblem Heroes. My only gripes with it are that it can be pretty grindy and I never got the hang of the gameplay, but I've really enjoyed my time with this regardless. Highly recommend you give it a shot while it's still around.

A decent, chill mobile game focused around decorating and being cozy with an Animal Crossing skin on it.

Nostalgic fun, plain and simple. Everybody knows all there is to know about this game already.

I enjoy chilling with my wife and niece in this from time to time. It's a very casual mini-game collection with cute character customization, nothing more or less.

Great combat that's relatively faithful to most Shin Megami Tensei games, and a great demon compendium to boot, Liberation Dx2 is marred by being terrible to F2P players and being excessively grindy. This game can be a thrill for fans of the franchise, but you'll get walled off if you play F2P for too long.

It's hard to recommend this game over Fire Emblem Heroes. Langrisser Mobile has more depth to its gameplay and character building, but the amount of grinding you have to do is completely absurd, the difficulty is often through the roof, and it's not F2P friendly at all. I have to give the game credit though, for it's gameplay that's better than Fire Emblem Heroes, and for the great PvP that Fire Emblem Heroes completely lacks. If you whale gachas then I might recommend this, but the grinding will still be very time consuming. Be warned.

A decent gacha with combat reminiscent of classic JRPGs, but I ultimately found the game too grindy and the currency too rare to be worth playing F2P. I think this game is at least worth trying out if you have money to spare.

Terrible rates, dreadully boring combat, and generally ugly or degnerate character art make me wish this game was never conceived. I tried to like this game a lot when I was first getting into this franchise and just couldn't, and I still can't.