Charming game that I will always have in my heart and mind.

A MUST in the Pokemon entries.
Just solely by the idea of how the mc is basically a villain just catches the interest of anyone by the start.

Shrek and Fiona true love VN, absolutely recommended.

This story was truly relatable.

[This review has been deleted for its language about the characters in the game.]

Absolutely loved how they evolved the gameplay but the triangle thing felt sometimes too cheap for certain fights and that was kind of a downside for me. Other than that 5/5.

My least favorite in the saga by far. The story feels all rushed up, specially at the second half of the game. There is no thing that really made any world "memorable" for me. Only the last part is what I loved just because it was the main story and when Sora had some kind of POINT being there.

DMC 2 is the best. Plae deemc2 is the best, dante is gud and best in gaem, play game, pls

It was incredible how many shots in this game, the design of levels, the music could make you actually be afraid of pixelart.

i wish I could give it more than 5 stars.

This thing made me shart myself.