74 reviews liked by AgentCrane

I have a newfound respect for mountain climbers after playing this game. Fucked up what they go through


Okay, you can't dress Link up like a girl in this one. But a cutscene of him being grabbed by mechanical tentacles happens multiple times and that's probably the next best thing for you people.

Truly the dark souls of video games

inb4 all of the top reviews on this are by the most popular reviewers on Backloggd, and all of their reviews read along the lines of "god of war? more like, GOD, I'm bored."

This review was written before the game released

She elden on my ring till i'm far fromsoft

It improves a lot and makes everything else weaker. Still fun though

This is what Sword and Shield should have been

This review was written before the game released

despite pokemon lore you cannot have a romantic relationship with your male gardevoir

Trust me bro I watched 500 videos about it on Youtube, I can give it a score on Backloggd.com.