It's pretty fun and I really like the art style

If I could fuck a video game it would be this one

It's definitely a better cowboy game than the Redemption games but obviously everything else is kinda worse

These are arguably the best written and acted characters in any game and the game itself is a technical masterpiece

Something something joke about how I wanna fuck the robot twins something something

Just as scary, even more action, best iteration of Isaacs armor.

They followed up Legends Arceus with the most mid game possible, at least a lot of the new Pokémon are awesome

God of War Ragnarök is a perfect sequel to a damn near perfect game. It improves on everything that God of War 2018 introduces and manages to look even more stunning graphically.


A cute kitty with a surprisingly emotional story, this is what gaming as a medium was made for

Dying Light is my favorite game of all time and I was so unbelievably hyped for this... Then it released and I was promptly disappointed. The rpg elements are not nearly fleshed out enough to be fun and the story is uninteresting and ultimately has no consequences. Aiden isn't good because he lacks literally every quality that made Crane good in the first game, I'm not saying Aiden should've been a copy of Crane but he also shouldn't have been the exact opposite. Crane was a badass hero who could take on damn near any odds and would do so to protect his friends in Harran, but Aiden gets punched in every cutscene and goes through the story not giving a shit about anyone at first and just trying to use them to find his sister, which means literally nothing in the end.

That out of the way, it did manage to improve on the first game in a few ways, really only combat and parkour, the most important categories. For combat, human enemies are much less frustrating to fight and actually have decent ai, but the zombies are biggest non challenge ever, there's barely any volatiles at night, howlers are useless replacements for an actual interesting infected in the screamer, and the other special infected types just do not show up enough to even be slightly memorable. The parkour though, is greatly improved in every way. In the first game you had a pretty low to the ground area to parkour on, and while it was fun there it had much potential to evolve, which it did. The newly added skyscrapers in the Central Loop allow for much more vertically and variety in your parkour, and the revamped grappling hook, which is far better as it isn't a fast travel option, and the paraglider add even more traversal methods besides running. The addition to allow actual wall running now is also greatly appreciated. Overall the parkour is much more fun and the combat is slightly better but pretty much everything else is horrible, truly disappointing.

Modern Pokémon is capable of being really good??

Even without the glitches the game still sucks ass

This game is filled with so much passion and love for the characters and source material that it makes Avengers look even more embarrassing.