This just shot up in my top 5 favorite games of all time. How come no one told me about this masterpiece?

The visuals look amazing! A great remake that fixes a lot of small problems with the original.

It feels wrong not giving Wind Waker a perfect 5 out of 5 because this was my first Zelda game I ever played. Even though I have nothing major against this game, there are lots of SMALL issues that pile up to barely edging it to the 4 1/2. Still, an amazing game though.

They completely butchered the bosses and the Zora swimming, but it still has some fun additions. Also, it's Majora's Mask, come on.

Truly feels like the Empire Strikes Back to Ocarina of Time's A New Hope. The tone and atmosphere is much darker, the plot is much more intense and compelling, we get a different view at the characters, all that while trying to save a town from an angry moon and a scarecrow wearing a mask.

A good enough remake that still manages to capture the charm and wit of the original.

There is something special about Ocarina of Time that truly makes it stand out. This game is one of those that can be described as perfect. The controls can feel dated and Navi can be a huge pain, but when a game has one of the best Zelda stories, a great selection of dungeons and characters, a fun world to explore, and a huge impact on video games as a whole, it's a near masterpiece.

I like how even Nintendo doesn't like this game as they made an actual top 100 game on the Switch that completely negates this game's existence.

I completely forgot this game existed. The minigames and the main board are fine, but why would anyone want to play this when there are lots of other options?

Fun modes, but what are the odds that you will find at least one person who owns this game?

The minigames and modes are good, but what are the odds that you will find at least one person who wants to play this game?

Finally, an actual good handheld Mario Party game. I think the fact that this game is so simple makes it feel so refreshing compared to the others in the series.

Kind of fun for a filler fetch quest, but not what the game promised at all.

What? A nintendo game that actually has great online multiplayer?

At least we're no longer in those stupid cars. Not saying much though as the overall gameplay in Mario Party doesn't feel as great as all the other mainline Mario Parties except 9 and 10.