Paper Mario is no longer Paper Mario. That doesn't mean it's not good though. The ring system is fun, Olly is kick in the face for the fans, and the overworld was great. RIP Bobby.

Fun concept, but 64 and Sunshine could have been better. Also, I would rather just go to YouTube to listen to the soundtrack for these games.

I'm sorry about being negative, but what is the point of releasing this on the 3ds? Solid game, but I have the same problems with it as the Superstar remake. The 3ds graphics suck out the joy and fun of what made the pixel graphics good in the first place. Also, everything is dumbed down to a crisp!

Honestly, I like the pixel graphics much more; they give the characters so much character and it just looks weird in the 3ds. The Bowser's Minions mode is fun, but kind of unnecessary.

Definitely a disappointment of what could have been. The battles are surprisingly at their peak in the series and the overall game feels more consistent than Dream Team which is why I don't think its the worst in the series. Also, stop bringing Starlow into these games.

I'm telling you, that one guy dressed as a bird in the beginning is Fawful!

I honestly have this and Sueprstar Saga tied as they're both really good RPGs. It's great playing as both the Bros and Bowser. For every step back Superstar Saga takes, it takes 2 steps forward.

Dude, are we sure this is a Mario game? Because the story is dark. This might have been the best Mario RPG, but the Bro Attacks are too broken and the babies cry constantly. Also, how does time travel work? How do the Bros go through a time portal from the past and arrive at the same future they were in when they haven't beaten the Shroobs yet?

No other game in this series really topped the original in my opinion. The dialogue is hilarious, Fawful is in it, the bosses were great, the game wasn't afraid to be difficult, and the music was top tier. But what pair of brothers hit each with hammers and shock/burn each other wil actual elements?

Super Final Mario Fantasy 7.

Is it worth it to get every moon? Honestly, no. Being invisible sucks. However, this game is as good as everyone says. The perfect controls, perfect worlds, and a great mechanic to possess other beings, or a boulder.

I am not 100% this game like last time! Good game to play with friends though. Fun levels, fast pace experience, and a side mode that's as fun as the main mode.

Honestly, I found this game to be kind of overrated which is really weird. I love open world games. I loved the world, I liked the new item system, and I liked Fury Bowser, but something was missing and I can't figure out what it is.

Somehow even more wild in the multiplayer than New Super Mario Bros Wii. I love it! The levels are so much fun and one hundred percenting this game by myself makes me want to rip my eyes out!

While being the weakest one in the series, 3d Land still offers some good levels(despite the linearity) for the player to enjoy. Basic, but sometimes being basic is good.