This is somehow bad both at being a Sonic game and at being a pinball game. I do not understand why this exists.

God, this isn't a good game, but I'm reluctant to call it "bad," either. It's a very flawed masterpiece. I love the series, but this game is just so...not great.

I'm playing Persona/SMT backwards, and this was next in line. Didn't get too far in it. It looks nice, yeah, but it doesn't feel fun to play, and somehow manages to fail at both being a musou game and being a dungeon crawler.

Unironically the best BioShock content. The best gameplay, a story that's not too full of itself, and short and to the point. Loved it.

I had forgotten just how clunky this game was. Switching from plasmids to weapons and back is legitimately annoying. Was considering a replay, but that's honestly turned me off entirely.

It has a very slow start -- slower even than 2018's -- but overall, I enjoyed it. I think it suffers a bit from trying to be two games -- the developers said they didn't want to make it a sequel so that it could all be out in a reasonable amount of time, which I respect, but holy hell the game just has insane pacing and like, four or five events that could all be the climax of their own game. Combined with a lackluster final act, and it was enjoyable, but not quite as good as GoW2018.

Meh. It's better than the first game, but that's kind of a low bar.

Meh. Feels sluggish. The levels are samey and uninteresting, too.

Short and sweet, but maybe a bit too ambiguous for its own good.

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It's fine? An interesting take on the frog and the scorpion, I guess, but kind of too long for its own good?

Starts off strong, falls off quickly.

I don't want to call this bad, because it's not exactly accurate, but it's also very clearly a thirty-five year old game. I'm glad I played the part of it I did, but it's not something I expect I'll be revisiting.

Fun little horror VN. Kind of an abrupt ending, though.


Meh. Didn't enjoy the bump system enough to finish this.

A delightful little game. Loved it, would play a longer version.