Goddamn. This really spoke to me. Got both endings. Loved it. Need to go cry now.

I very much want to like this, but it seems like it's just not going to happen. The controls don't feel good, the fact that there's a leveling system is deeply annoying (especially since it seems tied only to damage?), and I'm unsure I was ever actually having fun with it.

Still kinda meh. The "hard" route isn't actually all that challenging, and honestly I don't think the extra stuff at the end is worth it. Plus there's less Star Wolf, which is objectively a negative.

Made two attempts at this game, and I just find the combat unsatisfying. The merger of Press Turn and tactics just doesn't do anything for me, unfortunately.

Meh. I can't say I hated it, but I felt like every part that wasn't a vehicle section was just fine? It's not bad, but it's just regular "Kirby" at this point.

I like the premise and the drink mixing, but the presence of a certain character is so off putting to me that I cannot continue with this. It's just not my scene.

Meh. The art's nice, but nothing else about it really grabbed me enough to keep going.

The jumping is awful and the rendition of Bloody Tears is a crime against god and humanity.

Short, gay, and fun. I enjoyed it, and may even go back and to the other route.

Fun, short, and spooky. A bit predictable, and it could stand to be a bit longer (the story doesn't really go anywhere), but I liked it.

I think I just no longer vibe with first person games. Every one I have tried in the last two years I have bounced off hard.

Played through and found a three or four endings. They were fine, but nothing really grabbed me enough to want to get the rest of them.

I loved this as a kid, but just cannot get into it now. Unsure why.

Fantastic game. Starts a bit slow, and definitely feels like part of a larger "game" than the others do (the final case not being a real conclusion to anything, and feeling more like a midgame case from any other game), but that's not really a downside. Definitely looking forward to playing part two.

I can see what they were going for here, but the lack of depth/complexity in the mechanics are a real turn off.