Late to the party by over years, but thoroughly enjoyed my time with alan wake. the story was amazing and characters interesting over 10 years after its release. I am eagerly looking forward to Alan wake II in 2023

Neon white oozes style and class with a brilliant soundtrack and fast paced game mechanics. The only down points are the over simplified story beats that detract from the brilliant game ever so slightly. A must play for the traversal and game play alone (if you can separate the story problems)

A 3d semi zone-linear adventure game that has some good ideas that never really gel or work the way they should. If i had to summarize this game I would say its okay but lacks identity, which is a shame as i loved both steamworld dig games. I hope the devs play it less safe for their next outing.

Wonderful, whimsical and quirky with a great soundtrack, Bugsnax is a game i never knew i wanted until i had finished it. The story is nonsensical at points but almost in a good way where anything else would feel wrong. Played with my daughter and she loved it!


A short colorful and beautifully drawn game that never does much else as well. If you want a 2D walking sim with a few light puzzles, this may scratch the itch but anything beyond that and it doesn't quite hit.


Cute and beautiful to look at with clever isometric puzzles wasn't quite enough to win me over here. The combat never clicked with me and sometimes the puzzles felt overly obtuse. A good game is present but it didn't hit as high as hoped for me.

A cool card battler concept that is quite hard even at the beginning of the game. I felt the game was really good in certain areas but also lacked in a few key areas (not a fan of the art-style personally)

Wonderful sim management meets top down RPG that has a unique concept and brutal yet cute story. This game is so unique that it felt like something I hadn't truly ever played in my 20+ years of gaming, and thats a good thing!

A wonderful indie gem that has a beautiful tabletop setting mixed with a compelling narrative. I love the character development and the setting is incredibly atmospheric and engaging. A must play for all narrative driven gamers!

Having not played lone sails, i dived in (pun intended) to Far changing tides with fresh eyes. The game is beautiful and lovely to scroll through even if the puzzle mechanics and boat management grew tiresome very quickly. By the end of the game i was more than ready to put it down but feel others that enjoy Sim games may sit higher than myself.

Just one more run is a phrase that perfectly summarizes vampire survivors. The top down game that has almost created a genre onto itself (auto-battler) is such a joy to play that I had to pry myself away to focus on other games.

Possibly one of the biggest surprises (thanks game pass) of 2022, this game had some great combat mixed with interesting stealth based 3rd person level design. I would recommend this to anyone wanting a very solid level based shooter with an interesting sandbox.

A awesome concept with a tertris roguelite and topdown action game that doesn't quite work or hit the mark. i walked away from this game with a mixed opinion and some things were done well but some things just didn't ever click and I was wishing it just dropped the Tetris raft block aspect.

A cute and magical world with Kirby. This was the first game i finished alongside my daughter and was a delight to play through. Story is nothing but the game mechanics and world has that Nintendo charm and is well put together.

A short and sweet indie game with a nice atmosphere that doesn't quite give you enough to work towards. I walked away wanting more and I hope and feel that the next project if bigger in scope could be something special.