now that I've replayed Hades the combats lack of depth (dash -> attack on loop) is pretty apparent.

great core gameplay plagued with a bunch of technical issues and lack of little qol improvements that would drastically improve the experience.

The story is so mind numbingly-boring its insane.
Also the "ranger hardcore" difficulty is so annoying in this since there's multiple moments where you have to defend against waves of enemies that you can barely see that kill you in 2-3 hits. how fun.

Maybe one of the most off brand sequels to not just a game, but any media ever.

The themes of addiction, violence and corruption are handled well unlike the actual plot of the game which can be an incoherent mess at times. Though its not as bad considering that you see this through the eyes of Max who is being kept alive by liquor and painkillers and is trying to unceremoniously die in a shoot-out.
Gameplay wise Max Payne 3 is untouched to this in the spectacle of just simply shooting a single enemy. Max feels weighty and like a sad sack of meat, which he is.
The soundtrack by HEALTH is also fantastic.

RIP James McCaffrey

The to this day unique and downright awesome sanity effects weren't enough to keep me going for more than ~6 hours. The gameplay is monotonous, boring, too easy and too difficult at the same time and the soundtrack seems to be just 2,5 songs.

this game fucks
everything in dead space 2 is just batshit insane, whether it's the set-pieces or the genuinely unintelligible story
i love it so very much

Cmon guys it's not that bad.

Yes RE3 feels kind of unfinished and is lacking content that was in the original (that i still haven't played don't lynch me). But i still really like it for what it is.
The linearity, which many people dislike apparently, helps with it's almost hyper focus on action and spectacle even though there are some areas that are slower and more focussed on exploration. It also helps a lot that Jill might be my favourite protagonist of the Resident Evil series.

Maybe I should finally play RE1 or Revelations 🤔

horrible performance and an equally shit launch.

Now over a year later Darktide may be the game that is closest to Left 4 Dead's brilliance.
Having a crafting system that works and actual characters instead of the bland people we have to play as would be great but that would change a significant part of the game so that'll never happen.

Maybe one of the greatest action rpg's ever. Superb fighting system, great score, uniquely designed enemies and locations and one of the few games with a "real" sense of exploration.
Too bad there are many tiny things that bother me about it.

- the map is bit to small
- the companions talk a bit too much
- 1 more common enemy type would be great (fighting either goblins, bandits or skeletons gets boring quick)
- having some quests locked if you continue the story would be ok if the game told me that

dropped after ~20 hours at chapter 11(?)

Seems like i just can't get into yakuza. I like some of the characters but the overarching story is just not interesting to me. The combat is alright but feels somewhat restrictive. I know that people love the amount of minigames and sidequests but for me they where never much more than a distraction from the already (for me at least) uninteresting story.

The overall "goofyness" also just contrasts too much with the fairly serious tone Yakuza 0 tries to uphold every time the story advances with its terrible pacing.

Might try Like a Dragon in the future but that's about it.

made me realize what a dumbass i am

fuck this game

Great core gameplay loop that's a perfect mix between Payday the heist and 2 with a mostly great soundtrack. So much potential completely drowned out by one the shittiest launches ever and a ton of other technical problems.

The UI is just absolute terrible and doesn't work half the time, just like the lobby system. The skill system and progression have basically no thoughts put into it making it so there is basically no differences in builds.

I really want to like this but the few new ideas like optional objectives and the overhauled stealth are just "neat" and are overshadowed by the huge amount of problems still present 2 months after launch. That being said, knowing overkill, this game will either be pretty good in a year or two, or abandoned.

never thought that the studio behind Life is Strange 2 could make a subtle and beautiful game like this