This game was a special interest of mine before it came out. Something about the design and the concept and just everything just hit the big 'autism moment' button behind the glass panel on the back of my head. I didn't even know I was autistic at the time!

I religiously followed the beta (never got an invite). I speculated about what the story might be (not knowing there wasn't going to be one). I drew fanart (now deleted)! I never draw fanart! The only other thing I've drawn fanart for in the past was Busou Renkin, a manga by a guy who turned out to be an actual nonce. Maybe there's a curse or something.

I also made a 'Top Ten Sexiest Overwatch Heroes' video out of preview footage, which featured Roadhog four times and described him as an 'erotic colossus'. It made men on Youtube extremely mad! It was funny! I deleted it!

Nowadays, with what the game eventually became, and what Blizzard Activision turned out to have always been, it just makes me sad.

L1, L2, R1, R2, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, L1, L2, R1, R2, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT pshooooooooooooo

Minecraft is beautiful and wonderful and filled with so much stuff, and if I'm honest every time I play I'll hollow out the side of a hill, stick a door on, and then think 'shit, that's the game complete now'

Never actually got to play this with other people. Maybe it's a different game if you have friends

It's both incredibly fun and absolutely shite! Your intro sucks, Todd, I know it's a meme but I don't care