This is the first game I have ever played where I dreaded when my characters had enough exp to level. My, God, the leveling was so tedious that sometimes I would walk around for an hour before I would go through the painful process of choosing skills, etc. Character personality is almost as bad as leveling. Is it so hard to write an interesting villain? Sometimes, I would encounter a villain that would say, 'We meet again, Rogue Trader' and I would be like, 'Are you sure, cause you are so boring that I don't remember our first meeting.' That retort was better that the combat I would have to endure to kill the boring villain.

I came around for the 'awesome' story I kept seeing in game reviews. I spent about four hours playing and am still waiting for any kind of story. The main character is a douche. No better way to describe him. If he had any more of a boner for Yakuza, he'd poke a hole in this pants. The turn based combat is fun for about 30 minutes which is the only positive thing I can say about this dumpster fire.

I don't think there are enough professions to drag around. Maybe add paper pusher, front-line supervisor, stocker, optometrist, masseuse ........... Also, if the wood could be harder to find in the middle of an effing forest, that would make the game better. Not.

I love building my characters up and then watching them die in one battle against overpowered enemies. Do I feel like I wasted a bunch of time for little enjoyment. Yes, yes, I do.

The audience for this game is anyone who liked to spend a childhood afternoon blowing up their action figures.

I was maybe 12 when I played PoR. It was pixelated crack for me and my friends. We would fight over keyboard control while eating salt and vinegar potato chips and drinking Welch's grape soda. This review has probably been very helpful for you and your decision to play this game. You're welcome.

I don't think three characters could better describe my life than Trevor, Michael, and Franklin. I started off as Franklin, had a few years of Trevor, and am now firmly in my Michael stage. Having your money make money is so much better than the hustle. I am sure Hank did it this way!

Five stars if they could add more icons (inventory, fast slots, character sheets, etc.) around the entire screen. I only want 1/19 of the screen devoted to the action and 18/19 devoted to clickable icons.

I like my tacticals like I like my driving, slow and meandering.

I love animals, so skewering the fishes was :(
Watching Bancho do ninja sushi moves was :)
I am conflicted.


Great art, voice acting and story until your are on your 41st escape attempt. After that, it was placed on my chore list as follows:

Walk dog
Attempt to make it to Mom in Hades using shield
Take out trash
Load dishwasher

I finally made it to Mom, to only find I was 1/16 toward finishing game.

Counselor told me that games are for fun only.

I became so good with that bow cause the story was worth it.

I liked the RC movies, so I thought this would be an insta like. I enjoyed the first scenario on 'normal' difficulty. I liked the story until I got to the part of meeting the main villain. He had nothing to offer and I could feel my interest slipping. As all of the general baddies are incredible shots on 'normal', I busted it down to 'easy' cause the story was not worth going through fights multiple times. At a certain point, the story just becomes boring and I had no desire to continue shooting the same guys over and over. I mean, how many times can I get hit by the heavy machine gun guy covered in barricades?