Fun little campaign, only complaint is the lack of cover and health pack because I swear I was never really above 50 health throughout the entire game.

I wish I could count the amount of times I've played through this game since I was a kid, it's up there with Spyro 1 as one of the most replayable games to me. Super fluid gameplay, fantastic level design, well balanced difficulty, amazing soundtrack, quality and funny writing, all of it's wrapped up in a perfect little 5-10 hour package that is even better than the sum of its parts. I like the remake and all, but the OG release has more charm and less bugs making for a perfect platforming experience.

Mechanically, this game is a perfect evolution of the PS2 quadrilogy. Nearly every weapon feels really fun to use, movement is solid, shooting is the best it's ever been. However, this game falls flat for me when it comes to the story. The overarching plot never really grabbed me since Ratchet's family wasn't something that was ever really relevant to Ratchet ever before so it felt jarring for every game going on to focus on it. On top of that the robo-pirates, while silly, got a bit tiring by the end of their stay within the game and I was glad to have them gone. The interactions between Ratchet and Clank are still really solid but I miss other non-Qwark characters being present (which I understand why, whole new system and all). Overall I really enjoyed the game but it never hit the highs of the PS2 games for me.

Back when I was in middle school in 2013, I remember getting hyped with a friend after seeing this get announced. I feel like it's the only thing we talked about for months and we were both extremely excited to play it. Come 2022, my friend and I moved away from each other not even a year after the announcement. He ended up getting the game in late 2017 and seemed to enjoy it with his 111 hours but never finished the story. And as the 2022 Steam Summer Sale comes around, I finally got the chance to get my hands on it.

Playing this game co-op was a really fun and silly experience. At the start I was expecting to be annoyed by the survival mechanics as we (a different friend) couldn't find a great place to settle ourselves. It took a while but we got into the swing of things and slowly got into the flow of the game. Then, we discovered the caves. At that point we unintentionally started speedrunning the game, going from cave to cave to cave and grabbing every single useful piece of gear we could. Within a span of only a couple hours, we hadn't done anything for progressing with a base but we were completely decked out to the nines. One more game session later and we finally managed to knock the game out, clearing the final cave and area within an hour and a half. This playthrough was full of goofs and silly moments that were really memorable and despite the fact I didn't find the core gameplay that interesting, I really enjoyed my full experience with The Forest, nearly nine years after I wanted to.

I don't even particularly like the first game but holy shit this one is a wreck. The only thing I can say I didn't hate was the soundtrack but I can't name a single other positive thing about it. Gameplay's frustrating or boring, bosses are either tedious or infuriating, the side content isn't fun, I really can't think of a reason to play this game.

Really fun and solid campaign, playing this and World at War back to back is an interesting experience since this game feels so varied in its gameplay on top of having an interesting story while WaW is essentially just six hours of shooting the same WW2 guns (not a knock at WaW too, I think it's fun to essentially just play the action scenes in a WW2 movie).

The only complaints I've got are with the AI; I'm used to playing most FPS campaigns on the difficulty above normal and they tend to be pretty consistent throughout the entire experience, but MW's AI is completely bipolar depending on how you're playing the game. If you take it really slow and at the pace the game wants you to be at, they're brain dead and struggle to hit you while going down in an easy headshot. If you accidentally push forward a millimeter more than the game wants, suddenly they have super mega fuck you death laser beams coming out of their guns that take you down in a second, on top of becoming super resilient to your shots (I swear I had moments where I would die to an enemy I just emptied an entire mag into or directly blew up with a nade). Besides that inconsistency, I really enjoyed this game and I can imagine audiences did as well when it came out since there had to be fatigue after 3 (four include BRO) WW2 games.

If you don't like experimental games, stay very clear of this one. Personally, I didn't get anything out of it at all and left the game just feeling confused. I get that not everything needs a full story or development but I must have missed something because my experience was a fetch-quest walking sim that's held up by its odd visuals and music. Wish I could have gotten something out of it, but this game completely missed the mark for me.

Pretty solid campaign, I wish there was more plot going on in the missions themselves but it's nice to have a solid ~5 hours of just killing stuff. Zombies is a nice bonus on top of it but honestly the only map really worth playing is Der Riese and even then it's such a simple map you can do everything it has to offer in a matter of a few rounds. Solid package overall, just wish there was more to offer

Pretty fun Kirby game, not as good as the past ones though. I like how cozy the levels are but it'd be nice if you could go a bit faster through them. My only big gripe are the last two boss battles which aren't fun at all to me.

Overly long and not very rewarding, almost all of the charm of the past LEGO games isn't present here. On top of that, the 100% process is extremely tedious and grating and by the time you're even ten hours in the game feels like a checklist instead of, well, a game. I wish there was much I could say is great about it but overall it's just really boring. At least the classic Star Wars soundtrack is present and in full effect and the level cutscenes have some good comedy to them.

I made the unfortunate mistake of playing TPP before Ground Zeroes and that unfortunately made me not enjoy this game nearly as much. Replaying the same map over and over gets tedious even with all the unique gimmicks and enemies are extremely predictable which takes away a lot of the suspense. Not a bad game but TPP is so much more refined and expanded on that the only reason to play this is for the story and fan service

Pretty mid way to end a season, at least you get a silly monkey from the battle pass

As someone who hates building, the UFOs and Rail Guns were some of the most fun additions to the game. The ska song will be permanently burned into my skull and I'm completely okay with that

The best thing about this season was the bows, they had a lot of utility and were really fun to use. Other than that, it was a mid season with boring new weapons, a bit of an annoying crafting system, and lame changes to the map

My first season, I was really reluctant to play the game but once my friends got me into it I got hooked QUICK. There still isn't a single season that felt nearly as fun as this one to me; the constant focus on bounties, ending nearly every match with purple or better weapons, exploring the varied and interesting map. Despite starting the season a bit late I still managed to get over level 150 and I miss how good that season felt to play