FromSoftware Games Ranked

FromSoftware games ranked by my overall enjoyment and experience with them.

Could be swapped out for BloodBorne but for the amount of times I’ve played this game and managed to do something entirely different with both games having excellent areas and bosses I believe Dark Souls 3 has a slight edge over Bloodborne personally.
It is interchangeable with Dark Souls 3 as I think they are both equal yet where this game excels in atmosphere and art style it lacks in the replay value and build variety i get from Dark Souls 3.
Fantastic exploration first time through and some of the biggest variety in combat and equipment in souls gets dampened down by endgame bloat of chunky health bars and chunky damage can make it a slog.
Combat is super smooth and fun to interact with and holds some of the best bosses FromSoft has made but it’s linear design and lacking customisation means it ranks lower than souls games, despite how much I do like the game.
Level design is well crafted until after obtaining the Lordvessel and then I want to bash my head against a wall.
About 3 good bosses and only half the areas are enjoyable. Not terrible.
Took several attempts at restarting this game over several years should show how utterly dull the experience can be.


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