22 reviews liked by AlvaroAlb

Uninspired, bullet-sponge enemies, flat boss fights, an annoying "hold button to use a power to do a simple thing" time-wasting mechanic that AAA games love to do for some reason, and a pretty empty storyline (until the end) which frustratingly does nothing more than the base game to set up a sequel. It's a bland character study with blander gameplay, though because it reuses the base game's locations, a few flashes of that goofy magic remains, and if nothing else, it provides some closure to Village's somewhat abrupt ending of the Winters' storyline. Fails as an action game, middling as a horror game, and maybe slightly above average as a character piece (sadly), but if you have any interest in RE7 or *8* lore, it has some nice touches.

Going into this, I seriously did not expect what was essentially Resident Evil 4 (2). Seriously though, this game takes atmosphere to the next level, with each area having a distinct feel and tone to it, while still feeling like all the same video game. My favorite segment by far was the doll house part, I really love when games like this put aside the combat for a bit and focus entirely on puzzle-solving and exploration. Definitely had the most unique progression out of any other area, and genuinely felt horrific (as a survival horror game should). I can't find myself comparing this game to RE7, as they are both very different and harken back to different eras of RE (7 being a more classic-style, 8 being 4-ish), but I do very much like the added layer of in-universe connection to the rest of the series which I felt 7 lacked and made feel too detached and almost like a spin-off. Its for that reason as well that I did not form a real emotional connection with Ethan until this game, especially when it came down to the ending. One small complaint, I feel like Dimitrescu's segment should have come later in the game considering the important looming locale and power/stature she exudes when compared to the other Lords. I also don't like how the game locks you out of returning to certain areas after you defeat the corresponding boss, it doesn't seem very fair if you're going for 100%

Joguinho bem estranho com temática faroeste diabólica.

Combate tem um feeling legal de potência mas repete demais.

I think I'm one of the few people that doesn't like this game for reasons completely unrelated to Hbomerguy. Listen, I love the man but that video is kind of... ehhhhh? I also don't hate Bethesda, like, at all! I actually enjoyed Skyrim, Fallout 4 and even Fallout 76. Fallout 3 has a lot of really good elements but its how all of these good elements connect that it drops the ball. The main story has some intriguing elements that simply end up having very unsatisfying conclusions. As my playthrough went on, I realized you could really just throw that onto the entire game. The game teases you with an interesting idea only for it to kind of just... fizzle out. Quest rewards are almost always shit. Unique weapons are really just slightly better or worse versions of the one its based on. The karma system seems really reactive until you realize its so sensitive that you will ping pong from being good to evil to good again 24/7. Megaton has this cool sheriff guy but also this dickhead Moriarity so you think, "Oh so I get to solve this problem!" Nope! You go to Paradise Falls, a place full of slavers, and for some reason freeing the slaves from the slave camp left me confused as to how it works. These are things I never even thought about while playing later Fallout titles like New Vegas. Meanwhile, while Fallout 1 and 2 could leave me confused, it was always because I wasn't thinking outside the box enough. In Fallout 3, I'd get confused only to look it up and find out its because there is just nothing in the box. The box was fake. Three Dog is the best radio station host in Fallout though and you know its true.

A love letter to Dragon Ball fans. It has great, fleshed out combat mechanics and feels like my childhood of watching DBZ come back to life. It is a great title with an amazing retelling of the original story. It is only held back in its lack of quick time events in its cutscenes and padded fluff in between missions, which honestly were not too big of issues. I am excited to see further DLC added to this love letter of a game!

It was really nice to relive most of the dbz content that is currently available to us now including a tiny bit of super especially with the graphics

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Cara, não lembro que o Shao Khan era tão difícil assim. Apanhei igual puta, foi no mínimo umas 2hrs apanhando pra esse personagem.

Jogo com história muito interessante, gráfico ok para a época, mas o drop de fps constante deixava a desejar muito, algumas sidequest repetitivas e jogabilidade ok.

Hard as nails, controls as smooth as silk.

You are truly doing a disservice to yourself if you are actively avoiding this game. Biggest critique is that the game has some forced platforming sections and hid one of the best boss fights after a tedious shoot-em-up section that dragged till the end of time.

- War, war never changes.

Fallout 2 was the first RPG game that has grasped my imagination as 12-something year old way back in the late 90s. I could not recall much from my first playthrough as I was just learning English, but those warm post apocalyptic sprites, the mix between tribal survivalists using primitive tools and "modern" tech had me play through most part of the game breathlessly.

My second "proper" playthrough was when I was 16-something and I went with a thiefing sniper. This time around I understood the lore better and Fallout forever became one of my favorite gaming universes.

So, 20 years from my last playthough how does it hold up?

Note: I've played with outstanding Fallout 2 Restoration Project mod to add a bit onto something that I would have expected to be quite a familiar game to me.

When compared to Fallout 1, this installment definitely expanded in all directions while also debuted the now signature Fallout Wild Wasteland (tm) with talking plants, ghosts, supermutants carrying gag balls and other assorted humorous troupes.

The story is simple yet it elegantly follows from the first game, find your first game protagonist's home and retrieve Garden of Eden Creation Kit. By modern standards it is by no mean an outstanding narrative, but it works and ebb and flow of the game have you chase one Mc. Guffin after another.

Graphics and engine. Compared to Fallout 1, you could see how the engine got better at a time + the locations are much more fleshed out. I've used HD resolution mod and I've found 1366×768 resolution to be quite a good balance between old and new with the models on the screen keeping some distinct look and scale instead of way small models on 1920×1080.

Gameplay. I've played a charismatic leader and this time around took Sulic, Vic and Cassidy with me. Surprisingly, I've enjoyed party gameplay and their behavior (once I've confiskated SMG party killed from Sulic) was surprisingly good, companions frequently saving my butt that is. Early to mid game is absolutely great, you have some weapon and build varieties in place. I've mostly used pistols this time around, with late game bringing in energy weapons (classic). Turn based (agility is king) and I went with quick shot build. Only ever had some difficulties late game.

Sound in this game is amazing, the universaly praised music is as good as gaming music can get, but also gunshots, NPC voices, everything is top notch.

All in all, the game is as beautiful as the day I've first played it and plays great. Some dated elements are part of a learning curve. Would love if they somehow made a new Fallout game in isometric perspective or even remaster this for modern machines or see you again in a decade or so,

P.S. my full mod list and useful links:
- Fallout 2 Restoration Project - restores a lot of cut content and overall fits the tone of the game like a glove. Besides fixes a lot of bugs and has an assortment of quality of life improvements.
- Fallout 2 Inventory Filter - this mod allows for much better inventory management by allowing filtering items by their types.
- Nearly Ultimate Fallout 2 Guide - outstanding classic guide to Fallout 2 by Per Jorner, used it sparingly, but it is absolute treasure trove of additional information on the game.
- Fallout 2 Restoration Project Guide - done by mod development team as a supplement to the mod. Used to cross check that I did not miss any restored content.