I can't understand why this game is not so praised, it's basically Resident Evil 4 with Ethan and first person.
It is more focused in action, but the horror is not forgotten and have the right amount of action and horror sections.
Ethan has a lot of personality and is well developed(In RE7, he wasn't a good character), good bosses and great enviroment.
Narrative really makes you expect for Resident Evil 9.

It's a great reboot and the best of the recent games of this franchise.

Bad performance, some repetitive main and side quest, locomove yourself through city is boring and the game extends a little bit in the end.
However, It’s a good game and have a good story, tries to do something new in that time.

Bayonetta is one of the best hack and slash games.

It`s impossible write about this game and not mention the similarities with Devil May Cry, which both games are directed by Kamiya.
Combat and characters influence by DMC, favour a lot Bayonetta experience and it's very fun to play.
DMC influences also damage the game, story is absurdly similar to DMC 4, at least, it's a lot better than DMC 4. Level design and structure are other two aspects which resemble DMC 4, good bosses but the game insists in re-use a lot of times and a bad execution of buss rush feature, a positive point about level design that the levels are more open and variable than DMC frachise.

Moreover, this game is very hard.
I loved this game, can't wait to play the other two

As the first game from Budokai series, it's not a bad game. I see how raw this game is, but i think it's too simple. Needed a lot of things, more sagas, more characters, transformations influence more. At least, next games fixes all these problems. (Art is charming though)

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is an awesome game and it was love at first sight, of course, being launched at 2004 has a lot of aged things and some problems related to the game itself.
First of all, i think VTMB really should to be more appreciated, it is a very precious experience. Has a deep story/lore, characters are great, good quests(until end of Hollywood and Chinatown) and it's so immersive that is hard until nowadays a game to do.
Obviously, this game is not perfect. At the end, some things looks rushed, the paths which earlier looks so natural in the end this aspect disappear, a few new good characters appears. The worst part about this game is the combat, aged like milk.Both gunplay and melee are a painful experience to going through, but i think this game really deserves an opportunity despite its flaws.

I totally understand who considers this game worse than the other two, i particularly like Shadow of the Tomb Raider, but the game does not learn with the past games.

First of all, it looks pretty as the others, in other words, graphics still good and i really appreciate this.

Now, the biggest problem to me: progression. In other two games of this trilogy, you can feel Lara becoming better and in SOTR you feel the same in all campaign.

Unfortunately, the story become worse than Rise of the Tomb Raider. It's very sad, a good story about legacy and discoveries becomes a cliche evil secret organization(It is a problem inherited from Rise of the Tomb Raider).

For me, it's the same level of Rise of the Tomb Raider, have a lot of problems and i didn't expected more. So i'm satisfied, but it's a okay game.

i really didn`t liked this game.

I can point two good things, art direction and combat.

Now i will develop things i didn't like about this game, the story is very poor, the characters same, soundtrack is not memorable and i particularly think that levels are too prolonged.

definitely, this is really an alpha for other Budokai Tenkaichi games. It's very bad but a start for this trilogy

It's like the last three Far Cry games, if you like the formula and is not tired of playing the same game with other story and characters, maybe this game will be for you.

Yara is a county based on Cuba, but with a far-right wing government. Has a lot of good characters such as: Dani Rojas(protagonist), Juan Cortez, Clara Garcia, Anton Castillo(antagonist) and Diego Castillo. Help a lot have a voiced protagonist to bring good relationships between characters. Story of this Far Cry is for sure a strong point, a lot of good plots and it is very critic, not only kill a random crazy tyrant.

Far Cry formula were overutilized through the years and this reflect in Far Cry 6 too, sometimes nearly at the end of the main missions will cause some fatigue to play the same game for the third time. The game had to be shorter to avoid this.

Conclusion: It's a good game, some people blind by ideology maybe don't like but, if you like the Far Cry franchise play it (it`s the same game hahaha)

It's a good game, but the time wasn't good for it.

In graphics, soundtrack and story works very well. Unfortunately, the rest of the game looks outdated, combat is very limited without complex combos like Devil May Cry and platform/puzzle sections extend the experience unnecessarily, boss fights is unmemorable. Game still good though

Talvez o pior jogo que eu ja joguei, um total downgrade do primeiro jogo