Steam Next Fest October 2023

i think a couple might not be next fest actually (yellow taxi goes vroom, for one) but idc. in order of how much they made me want the full game (best to worst)

Everything after this deserves a special suck section.
It's not bad but it mostly made me think that I should actually play Castlevania sometime instead of this.
The aesthetic would be cooler if it didn't actually make the game a pain to play. Other than that, it just kinda seemed like a standard top-down shooter? IDK, wasn't feeling it at all even when I turned down all the blindling settings.
What if those old flash bike games were like a metroidvania with edgy ass furries? Also you get to do sick bike tricks for combat, such as flips to reload or spins to parry bullets. Pretty godlike.
I love this game's art style and colors. That's all it has going for it.
I didn't get to see much of the actual gameplay, but the artstyle is gorgeous and the game seems like my type of poison.
what if star fox but roguelite deckbuilder???? Actually decently unique for a roguelite deckbuilder due to how it uses positioning, so it's neat. I dig it.
It wasn't bad, but there are much more interesting roguelite FPS out there for me. Don't seem myself playing this in a world where Gunfire Reborn, Roboquest, Deadlink, and Battle Shapers all exist.
Looks good and has a super interesting concept, but the moment-to-moment gameplay feels quite meeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh
Seems like a great game to play with my sis, but 40 bucks seems a tad much.
Bloodbornevania through and through. Seems neat but godDAMN why did they imitate BB's healing system? As in, having to farm consumables, not the rally.
Meh is all I can say.
It's Rabi-Ribi 2. I like Rabi-Ribi but I never beat it because I was playing it on the Vita (it runs well, but the tiny screen sucks for it). TEVI would be higher up if I had already beaten Rabi-Ribi, but I liked the demo a lot.
Mid survivorslike.
Resident Evil 7 in Japan. Actually scarier because it started out eerily normal. Sadly, the demo ends way too quickly to really tell what it's gonna be like... but I was definitely into it. Game's fucking gorgeous and very well optimized too, definitely hoping this one ends up good.
The aesthetic and setting are so cool to me, and that one chick you meet looks cool as fuck. The gameplay seemed kinda mid tho, but I think this is launching into EA first so... we'll see.
Yet another game that's super cool conceptually but just too goddamn jank. Enemies also apparently glitched at first for me and would not die even after like 100 attacks, then died in 2-3 hits after reviving. ???

Kinda hope this one ends up becoming great sometime tho...
Sounds need some extra oomph. Other than that, fun mix of bullet hell, roguelites, and Breakout.
Seems alright but the characters wouldn't shut the fuck up and let me play. Made me think that I should play Enter the Gungeon instead, which I barely put any time into.
It's fun and kinda cool but I also just don't really feel like playing it any longer for some reason.
"Jesus didn't die on the cross, he got up and fucking slaughtered everyone!" is such a fucking hilariously raw concept. Game fucking sucks ass, though! Looks like shit and runs even worse too, for some reason.
This kinda game sucks as a demo but this seemed interesting
Pretty unique! You manage your character's inventory and send them out to autobattle, their performance depending on how you set them up. Don't see myself spending time with it past this demo though.
Pretty fun tower defense shooter, reminds me I never played Sanctum 2 despite wanting it so damn bad before I got it. Anyway, I enjoyed it a good bit, my only real gripe is that you can ONLY cycle through weapons.
Extremely derivative of classic RE, yes. But if you don't mind that, I feel like this can compete with RE1 and RE2. Game's goddamn gorgeous and the demo was over an hour long for me, which was enough to make me think I would definitely love to play the full thing.
I downloaded it not knowing it was mobage, uninstalled the moment it started downloading shit in-game.
Feels like Mario 64, Crazy Taxi, and Katamari all had a child. Just fucking fun as hell honestly.
3D platformer with soulslike elements. Combat feels much closer to 3D Zelda than Souls, which is a fine line, but whatever. I like the shell mechanic a lot, but the game feels kinda jank overall. I hope it gets polished and tuned up for release, because the base is pretty great.
The pixel art here is so great. Didn't play it much tho because it's tamagotchi so... didn't wanna invest that time into a demo.
I didn't want to stop playing, this shit ROCKS. I want it so bad.
Dark Souls but Cat with a dash of Sekiro. It should be way less janky/clunky for what it is, but I was actually enjoying my time with it a good bit... and then it crashed.
The monster chicks are hot as fuck, but there far too many beat-em-ups out there to play something this... meh?
This just seems absurdly mid and the screen is also blurry as shit for some reason.
This is just Space Harrier with some more mechanics and an attractive female lead. It felt good, actually, but I don't give a shit about Space Harrier so... why did I even download it, anyway?
Conceptually cool, but extremely jank and seems lacking in content. It comes out pretty soon, so I doubt the full release will be much better...
It's Custom Robo basically. It felt kinda sluggish, but it's alright.
Optimization sucks ASS but the game seems cool. Hard to gauge tho, can't tell if the handling felt odd or if I just fucking suck. I'm leaning towards the latter.
The concept is super cool but I was already getting tired of the game by the time I was done playing the demo, so I doubt I'll play this.
Extremely fascinating but also felt extremely jank. The player character model is ugly as sin for some reason, and doesn't fit at all with the rest of the game. Basically, this is shitkino Deus Ex. I doubt I'll care for it personally but I kinda see the appeal. Maps are so goddamn huge for the speed you move at, tho.
Looter shooter which seems to ape Warhammer 40k and FF14 for its aesthetics. I liked it, but if it's not F2P it's dead on arrival.
Seems interesting but it needs a LOT of polish. The walk speed is too damn slow for how much walking you do, too.


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