it's tetris but big. the offline modes make up for how frustrating the BR part can be at times

Played on anniversary collection for switch, shorter than I thought it was going to be but very challenging. I admit the last two stages broke me and I put it down for a while but I'm glad I came back. I don't think I can understate how important this game was to gaming history, it's influence can be felt even today.

Atmosphere is amazing but the controls, while fitting the theme, can be very frustrating

It was a lot of fun, updates to the game made it in my opinion a completely different, wholly worse game.

Runt of the litter but still enjoyable in many ways

One of if not the best TD on the market

CotM is Castlevania 1 as much as RotN is Symphony of the Night. Overall a fun experience but personally I'd rather just play the sequel


Very creative in storytelling and level design, I understand that the main character wasn't meant to be "likeable" but it was a little rough sitting through some of the dialogue at times

crossing my fingers and toes they remake this

I really enjoy the series as a whole but this one has aged like milk imo

Did I 100% it? Yes. Was it a good time? Ehhhhhhh

Fun, simple social deduction game. The simplicity is positive in that it's easy to jump into and get more casual friends into. But the simplicity is also negative in that it gets old quickly