I have been playing video games my whole life. While I generally prefer JRPGs, Fighting Games, Platformers, and Visual Novel-ish games... I'll try most genres at least once.

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As someone who sucks at AAA Big Map RTS and think they get boring with all the waiting, it was cool to have a smaller scale RTS with catchy music.

That said, wouldn't put it as the most fun game I've ever played but it was a fun distraction once. Surprised it became a sorta long series.

The Miazora/Sky Full of Stars series is one of the most wholesome and funny moege slice of life series I've ever read, the perfect type of slice of life that I personally enjoy and wish we got more of in weeb mediums.

However, if there was one flaw I had with the Miazora series before the Interstellar Focus fandisc, especially the original, was the underwhelming romance for the childhood friend routes. While the melodrama made sense, it detracted too much from and brought down the wholesome vibes that every single other route in the series nailed perfectly.

Thankfully Interstellar Focus solves my problems with the childhood friends' romance and then some. I'm generally not into polyamory/3some romances, but for the main characters Akito, Hikari, and Saya, with their history a 3some romance just made too much sense.

The main story revolves around this 3way romance and while there's some light melodrama as one might expect a guy suggesting a 3some relationship in a relatively down to earth setting, it doesn't stick too long and actually gets resolved in a pretty wholesome way (especially Akito charging up some chad energy).

Thankfully most of melodrama is resolved in the first 30 minutes and the rest of the game is almost pure fluff in the best way. It brings back the excellent interactions the 3 childhood friends have had in the original game with a romance tinge, them figuring out how to balance a 3way relationship, especially since it's all 3 of their FIRST relationships period in this timeline.

If you're worried about this becoming a nukige or sex heavy game thankfully all the H scenes are saved at the way way end and actually had proper build up in a way.

For those who read the series for the stargazing aspects there's still a decent amount of importance of that.

I also really liked how the side characters are handled. Despite their romance/development being done in other routes, most of them get just a bit more development to flesh out some of their motivations, and also seeing their funny reactions to the new odd 3some relationship.

This is especially true in the "Quiz" Minigame that gets unlocked after the main story, which I 100% recommend people do.

It has a cute side story of the 3 underclassmen making a game to get new members to join the Six Stars Club. Most of the super short Quiz Segment is seeing the funny fictional story within the game.

You have to solve some astronomy trivia questions to get 5 minute epilogues for the non-main trio, and I loved these. While very short they show segments of what many characters were up to during the main story, getting to know just a little more about them, including characters who don't even get a role in the main story like Narue, Noriko, and Orihime.

In a way, Interstellar Focus is the perfect send off for the Miazora / Sky Full of Stars series (and honestly Pulltop and Konno Asta eroge as well). It gives what I personally consider the true canon ending for the childhood friend trio, while also giving some love to the side heroines to show how important they were.

It just does everything I'd want in a moege (fandisc): wholesome slice of life writing, decent enough relationship development, great authentic character interactions, solid pacing, and pretty good humor (though they could used a bit less pervert jokes).

Unless you REALLY don't like polyamory relationships, if you've made it far in the Miazora/Sky Full of Stars series... heavily recommend checking out Interstellar Focus.

As someone who saved this visual novel until I was close to visiting Japan in real life... to say Go Go Nippon was disappointing is a HUGE understatement.

The idea of it is nice: A short visual novel that lets you learn about some Japan tourism, and with some (hopefully) likable enough girls who teach about certain things about Japan that's practical.

However I can bullet list everything I dislike about this game (which is a lot)

-The execution of the tourist explanations is WAY too shallow, its either stuff I already know, or stuff I don't care about
-At least in the 2015 version I only get to choose 3 Areas in Tokyo before the plot forces me in Kyoto than another city, hooray for lack of choice, what if I wanted to stay in Tokyo?
-While it's nice to have animated sprites, they couldn't get voice acting for TWO characters in a ~10 hour game? Literally every other Overdrive title has voice acting for all their heroines.
-The lack of voice acting also brings down the admittedly nice feature of Go Go Nippon having the rare ability to have BOTH Japanese and English text at the same time. Voice Acting could have REALLY helped learning Japanese with the Japan infodumping if that's what they were going for.
-As far as the heroines go, Makoto was OK at best. Pleasant enough to talk to, but you can tell this is an old visual novel when she has a really lame "blissfully unaware she sucks at cooking" gimmick. One of the worst anime comedy tropes from that era.
-Akira is an incredibly obnoxious unreasonable generic tsundere. They attempt to give her "depth" in her "route" but does not exclude her behavior, and makes me wonder how the MC would come to get feelings for an unlikable POS like her.
-Speaking of routes, why did they try to force in romance here? Half or more of the dialogue is just the two sisters infodumping Japan facts and the main character is a boring white foreigner. The "routes" come in way too late, and even as someone who doesnt mind "self-inserting" this felt like cheesy lame forced quickly resolved melodrama for the final "romance route" chapters at the end of a route.
-Minor, but they should've focused more on how the characters knew each other online before the MC flew in. Maybe there wouldn't have been a dumb misunderstanding of MC not realizing the two were girls for a shallow joke. And maybe the romance would have made at least a little more sense.

I only visited areas that Akira showed me around which got me onto her route. So suffice to say did not have a good time talking with her most of the time. I don't care enough about Makoto or the areas she shows around to do her route.

When the only things I like are some of the CGs, the moving sprites, and BGM mostly being taken straight from Edelweiss, Kira Kira, and DEARDROPS (which is also half a flaw), that's not a good sign.

Go Go Nippon is both a disappointment as a Japan tourist game, and as a romance moege.