Me and my old best friends used to play this every time we got together... We beat the whoooole game.

This was my first Zelda game that I beat. Then I did it a second time. Incredibly overhated. The touch controls are not bad at all, in fact they're actually very fun.

It seems cool but I got bored after the first temple when I was a kid.

Midna is hot as hell though.

Why did I play this game so much as a kid? It's so shit. All you do is press 2 buttons to the tune of the song and it plays the notes for you. Also there's barely any songs, and most of them are royalty-free classical music.

An absolute classic. I don't think the game has aged very well though. No idea why it's still so relevant in today's day and age.

Everyday before school, I would turn on my wii in the morning and check on my ranch to see whats new :)

My old best friend who moved away to the US left some of his Pokemon Diamond pokemon on my wii though so they're basically stuck there forever lol.

I lost my first tooth when I raged so hard at this game I bit on my DS really hard.

Great Pokemon game. The technological step between Platinum and this game was astounding.

My old GBC cartridge for this game lost it's save battery power so it's basically a dead game there. I bought it on 3DS instead for nostalgia, and it's sooooo grindy.