Thank god this was my introduction to the persona series, story and music are just superb, Loved the characters and their interactions and overall a really intense game that prepares you for what's next.

One of the few instances that a trailer sold me a game, the aesthetics in this game are the best and I always had that feeling that this game had that valve feeling instead of being something made by the battlefield devs.

This game makes you feel a sensation that nothing else can give you, as always, unique games are what makes this whole game thing move forward.

It hurts so much, but its supposed to be like that you know

NDS banger, short but so sweet, waiting for the remake

Indie masterpiece, Glory to Arstotzka!

A story that can just be told through this medium and one of the best too

Telltale's masterpiece and so far its looking like the only game that uses the walking dead ip properly

embarrased to think that this game looked good when they announced it, the end up like this...

I blame this game for introducing me to the painful yet rewarding world of rhythm games

(this game is really hard jesus christ)

6 years old me couldn't believed that a game could be this good. I still don't believe it

If THPS was already good, this game not only already plays like a dream, but its story, locations and GODLIKE MUSIC THAT LITERALLY SHAPED MY CURRENT MUSIC TASTES made it a ps2 classic for me and I'm always glad of playing it every year

This game is stylish, fun, weird, sad, scary but overall, a beatiful experience that looks like a painting in motion while you are playing it