Holy shit, what a ride, 120 hours of just fun

The best Playdead game, style and story is superb, even if not a single word is uttered, love how you can make a lot of interpretations about the game's meaning

The best PSP game, this was supposed to be MGSV and of course, one of the best MGS games and even if it was launched as a PSP game originally, koji knew how special this game's story was and ended up making it an essencial part of the main lore and an important part of what it ended up being MGSV


This is what videogames exist, you are not getting this level of connection with any other game, thank god this game exists

one of my guilty pleasures, yep, it screws with you a loooot of times but I had fun playing it and completing it 100%

A rule that I always going to love is that the sequel is surely going to surpass the first one, but damn, uncharted 2 went above and beyond

Remember, you are never going to be left alone, people come and go but the memories never leave, for the people that I play with and went through this experience with me, thank you, I hope one day our paths cross, just like in this game.

This game is stylish, fun, weird, sad, scary but overall, a beatiful experience that looks like a painting in motion while you are playing it

If THPS was already good, this game not only already plays like a dream, but its story, locations and GODLIKE MUSIC THAT LITERALLY SHAPED MY CURRENT MUSIC TASTES made it a ps2 classic for me and I'm always glad of playing it every year

6 years old me couldn't believed that a game could be this good. I still don't believe it

(this game is really hard jesus christ)