I really wanted to like Pizza Tower, but unfortunately, it's just too bizarre, too insane and too much for my liking. I can't take that much. I like the game's personality though.


I like the concept, but it gets way too difficult way too quickly.

Neat concept, but if you played one song you kinda played them all.

Fun high-score chasing distraction

Feels sluggish to control to me.

I first saw Crazy Taxi as an arcade on a school trip to a random village when I was like 10 years old. Back then I found the game's concept to be extremely interesting. And yeah, playing it more than 10 years later, it's a fun game. Very frantic and screams Dreamcast era.

It's alright, a fun rogue-like. Nothing more than that though.

Didn't really do it for me unfortunately.

The movement is frankly amazing, but even with a map, I got to a point where I had no damn clue where to go next. I just wish Pseudoregalia's rooms weren't as empty and numerous as they are.

Overall pretty nice, I like the atmosphere and the vibes of cruising across the ocean with a massive ship. The sound design also perfectly captured that feeling.

Spiritfarer sends a powerful message about letting go, coping with death and spending your last moments with a loved one. Hits different. The artstyle is also very pretty.

But it dragged on a bit towards the end. I wish there was more incentive to take care of your passengers (other than completing quests), because I kinda neglected them in the last few hours lol. Feeding them just felt like a waste of time.


Man, I love indie games. Only an indie game would be as unapologetically bold as Tunic. Tunic starts out as a cute topdown adventure game, with a neat manual and foreign language mechanic, but gets absolutely fucking insane as the game progress.

However, that boldness also means it won't be for everyone. I was just a bit too impatient for some of the later puzzles, so I got some hints from a guide. I wish it wasn't necessary, but I probably would have been to frustrated to continue otherwise. That's just the price you have to pay for being as unique as Tunic. Still worth it.

It's pretty neat and helps you get a glimpse of what Edmund McMillen values in his games. But it's nothing more than that.

The awesome artstyle and its great soundtrack sets OG Isaac from its superior sequel/remake to me. I have a lot of nostalgic memories with this one. Playing it today is rough though, Rebirth, Afterbirth, Afterbirth+ and especially Repentance spoiled me beyond return.

I sometimes forget that OG Isaac got a DLC. It's so natural at this point.