14 Reviews liked by Antoine089

From a gameplay point of view "Dishonored 2" takes everything from the first one and completely improves on it. It's smoother, faster and the A.I is much better. However, despite it being objectively a better game than its predecessor, I just didn't enjoy it as much.

I didn't think the story was anywhere near as compelling and I actually think this one went a little too 'open world' for my tastes. I felt almost obligated to diverge away from the mission all the time, but maybe that's a me complaint.

Still a lot of fun though, I just preferred the original overall.

Where did this come from!?!?!?!?!?! What a game though, I loved literally every single second of Hi-FI Rush and it just kept expanding and getting better right until the end. It has great humour, fantastic gameplay, an awesome soundtrack, likeable characters and genuinely incredible animation.

One of my new favourites and one of the best games of recent years! I hope they do more, because I'll be there on day 1!!!

Played this through again for probably the 10th time. It so fun and easy to do, I just couldn’t pass up the chance. It’s the first shooter game I ever played and for that reason it holds a special place in my heart. I love the campaign to death and it’s probably the best COD campaign ever.

Gameplay was amazing but just like the Max Payne movie the story was very meh. The constant lens flare was annoying as well. Overall though it’s a fun game.

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Luckily, Uncharted 2 improves upon the first game in almost every possible way, with only a few small complaints stopping this from reaching a 5. The story feels way more in depth here, especially compared to the first game. I was very glad by the change of scenery as the first game was ALL IN THE JUNGLE and this had a couple of varied locations that shook up the pace every now and then. The gameplay was much more fleshed out in this game, with the addition of stealth, enemy variety, more weapons and environments made this a way more well rounded experience.
But sadly, there’s a reason this wasn’t a 5, and that odds almost entirely because of the section from after the train crash and before the village under siege section. That section just bored me to my core and I had to take a break because I wanted to play something entertaining. Aside from that though, overall Uncharted 2 is an incredible game that 1-ups its predecessor in almost every way.

All the good from breath of the wild and more. The way that every puzzle (and when I say every puzzle, I mean every puzzle) can be solved in so many different ways is such a flex on Nintendo’s part. If you haven’t played the game, the map might look overwhelming, but in my opinion that’s the wrong way to look at it. With so much stuff on the map, what happens is I’ll set out to do something, and then get distracted and do something and get distracted again and do something else, and even after 2 hours have passed, it hasn’t been a negative for me because I’ve been having so much fun. As well as all of these, I’m really glad the story in this is way more interesting and honestly just straight up better than BOTW’s.
Easy GOTY. Incredible game.

Unfortunately this was removed from ps plus recently and soo now I need to pay full price for it… tbh I’m not sure if I will. Don’t get me wrong, the story and dialogue is incredible, I love all the small stories and side quests, and the main quest is great as well. But the real turn off for me is actually the combat, which is surprising for me being a massive fan of good combat in games. It honestly felt way too repetitive and button mashy, and maybe in another game this might not be an issue but Yakuza has A LOT of combat in general. But apart from the combat, this was great and I loved it, so I’ll probably pick it up another day but for now that’s not the case.

A really beautiful, engaging story with stunning visuals and considering it's basically just a walking sim, it's actually a lot of fun. All this culminates in one of the most unique gaming experiences I've ever had.

Definitely worth your time, especially considering it's only a few hours long.

I liked Watchdogs 2 so I was pretty intrigued by this, especially because it was set in London and I'm English. Admittedly the concept is cool but it's also what holds this back, I can't get invested in any of the characters or the story because they are all completely replaceable. The gameplay is fine, it's not necessarily a drop from the last game but it just wasn't enough to keep me from being mind numbingly bored.

Just not enough to keep me wanting to finish this and I doubt I'll ever try again.

I'm not a stealth game lover at all, but I really enjoyed this. Super impressive and immersive world building, an interesting twisty story and really smooth gameplay. Dishonored is a must play for stealth fans and none stealth fans alike.

I just wish I was better at it.

While it’s successors (from what I’ve heard) may bypass it’s quality, Uncharted is still a great game that lays great foundations for a beloved series. The story and camera movement make this feel cinematic as fuck, the shootouts are quite bare bones in terms of mechanics but are still engaging, and the platforming is fun. (Albeit there were a couple times playing I didn’t know if an object was climbable or not lol)
Overall, Uncharted as a game has a great mix of story and gameplay that comes together brilliantly to form a great game.

Gears of War was recommended to me by my good friend Peeps. You can find his profile here:https://www.backloggd.com/u/MrPPeeps/

Gears of War is apparently his all time favorite game franchise and when he heard that I had only played half of the 3rd game, he begged me to play through the series. While I really enjoyed this game I have a handful of gripes.

I really enjoyed the story and the characters. The story was enthralling and the characters were all great

My gripes with the game come from two aspects. For one I hated the sprinting in this game! Utterly despised it. It adds a fixed camera angle and your mobility when sprinting is terrible. I had more than one death attributed to the terrible sprinting. The next complaint I have is more of a personal complaint. I hated the level with the uv turret. I just hate levels like that. The next level wasn't as bad but I still have my problems with it. Those are really the only complaints I have.

Overall, I did really enjoy this game, it's got a few issues but its definitely one of the better Xbox exculsives.


Been playing this with MrPPeeps: https://www.backloggd.com/u/MrPPeeps/

I’m having an absolute blast playing this with him. I love all the different classes and how you can experiment with different attachments to create the best weapon. It’s not too cumbersome and unrealistic like shitty WarZone.

To me it feels like a more grounded R6 Siege. While this is an online multiplayer game and I can’t really critic it I will say that once you’ve got the learning curve down, the game is an absolute blast. I’ve had a few glitches but other than that it’s perfect.


“Look at how they massacred my boy.” Was the exact words I said as I played this game. The shooting is fine but the voice acting, story and character models are so boring and bad that I had to stop playing. This is not the Mass Effect I know. I do not recommend