super smash my fucking nuts lmao

Got a ps5 for christmas and this was a nice silly little game to play first

I never finished it :( but it was pretty cool I can't lie

Sapphire? I hardly know her!!

A kaizo mario 64 has lots of potential as sm64 has the best movement of any game in my opinion, but this hack is just bad. Adding random obstacles and enemies to make it hard doesn't make it fun (there is a difference between fun because hard and annoying because hard). This shit is just annoying and bad sorry!!!

I keep realizing I love this game more and more... so fucking good

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mario pussy attack

a nice change of pace while playing through farewell :)

Ive been obsessed for months at a time its so good you can't tell me different its always fun

Very fun to do casually if you have good movement :)

Played it for like 3 hours one night with my brother and it kinda was cool ig

I played this on my cousins wii u. Anyways deluxe better yea

Something about it appeals to me but will probably never get to play again