It's a fine Resident Evil game that doesn't really do anything really well but is pretty consistently alright. You'll fight the same enemies with the same guns that all feel weightless. I love camp as much as the next guy but it really reached a point of who gives a shit in this game with characters only existing to be sexualized and NOTHING else. It's fun enough but if you have more time play RE6 instead. I prefer it even though it still isn't great

Fun and basic Resident Evil game with a good campaign. I wish I knew about multiple endings tho cause when I beat the game and got the bad ending I seriously was like wtf

Fable 2 is definitely my favorite one but not by much. I personally don’t care for the story at all and just tried to make it through missions and do a little grinding and it was satisfying despite being very simple, and janky. The controls aren’t great, once you’ve fought 1 battle you’ve fought every battle, and the “final boss” was really anticlimactic and seemed like a rushed part of the game guised as a joke. It was still a pretty fun simple time spamming x and y and buying all the properties tho. Super solid game I would totally recommend if you want something pretty short and easy

The campaign kicks fucking ass. Multiplayer was never my thing and still isn’t with infinite. But the campaign is all I play in halo anyways

Honestly a lot of fun but I also played with the sound off and didn’t have to suffer through the dialogue

This grew on me it actually was fun

I have no idea why people love 1 but hate 2 because they’re 95% the same exact game and the rest is VERY minor

Fun while it lasted time to never think of this series again

Very pretty locations but felt like a chore to sit through

200 hours… all achievements… I wish there was more

I absolutely loved this like 75% of the time but when I had to keep using console commands to fix bugs and respawn my disappeared weapons, along with increased crashes, I stopped giving a shit about paying attention to the game. I rushed through the last bit of the main story and both the dlcs and now I’m just glad it’s over. Bug fixes and some minor tweaks would make this an easy 9/10


Basic fps with cool portal and gravity gimmicks, didn’t do much for actual gameplay tho and felt tedious despite being pretty short. It’s definitely worth 1 good play through though

I was never able to get into this game until I realized it’s kind of a roguelike. You basically have to die and restart several times until you’re strong enough to take out bosses easily. Once you’re able to fight the hordes and bosses this becomes so fucking fun, definitely one of the most fun games I’ve ever played I love Capcom

A good companion to 2 but it’s not really different enough to warrant existing as anything more than a dlc