i just read the manga so i wouldnt have to read this chapter in vn form

its good! it just didnt strike a perfect chord with me

I only really cared about the final level but its still pretty good despite that

pretty weak game, the start is not good plot wise and gameplay wise and while it eventually picks itself back up around the halfway point it starts where it ends and feels incomplete

the last like 15 minutes are the only part i felt was actually good and even then i didnt care that much

i stopped playing for a month or two and now the only character i remember how to play is baiken help

some of the best movement in a 3D mario, not as good as sunshine in that department and i still prefer it to that but its definetly a strong game in its own regard

The art of a single powerful sentence that can shatter even the most eloquently crafted prose.

The benchmark test is the most definitive way to know if your PC is kuso or kino

i hope uchikoshi dies through blood loss due to the massive boner he gets writing anything at all

1949 is easily Ryukishi's best work

I'm not done playing this even though I've reached the ending and that should be a testament on how great the gameplay loop is. Near-perfect game but I think it relies too much on being able to dodge everything to the point being hit twice is a death sentence. Don't mind it too much because the heavy hitters are slow and predictable but it gets irritating in some aspects because of it.

Crystal Tower is an easy 10 and the rest is GOOD it just also kinda drags

its insane how it starts out strong but it slowly but surely just starts decending into some really bad level design, castle eggman drove me up the fucking wall with how unclear and easy to fall into bottomless pits it is, that and the lack of being able to look up/down and how it feels like sonic is always on ice makes for an extremely infuriating experience. it has potential but it squanders it

it takes too long to get going but what it does it does well, really excels in its movement but combat is mediocre