if it gets an english version ill actually play more but im not a big fan of vocaloid and i cant speak if the story is good as i dont speak moonrunes

i liked playing with my girlfriend

I'm not done playing this even though I've reached the ending and that should be a testament on how great the gameplay loop is. Near-perfect game but I think it relies too much on being able to dodge everything to the point being hit twice is a death sentence. Don't mind it too much because the heavy hitters are slow and predictable but it gets irritating in some aspects because of it.

pretty weak game, the start is not good plot wise and gameplay wise and while it eventually picks itself back up around the halfway point it starts where it ends and feels incomplete

the last like 15 minutes are the only part i felt was actually good and even then i didnt care that much

earthbound fans b like yooo look at this _____

i just read the manga so i wouldnt have to read this chapter in vn form

this plays like shit generally

the dash is really really bad, Model A's weapons are not good, A Trans as a mechanic is a neat idea but at the end of the day it just feels lazy and i would never use it over just base Model A is Model A, like, played well, and it tries to be more like linear and metroidvania-esque except it kinda sucks at that too so it just fails at everything it wants to do, which sucks cus there are some cool ideas here its just held back by too much basic failures that it never works well

me and my friends would have killed yuji himukai ringo with hammers i can tell you that much