Its a long, boring, overdesigned mess of game that succeeds only in its narrative. Its almost like rockstar forgot games are supposed to be fun with this one.

If this game was actually an RPG where your choices mattered it would be infinitely better, instead it has more in common with modern Farcry than it does with Witcher 3, Deus Ex and Fallout. Its a real shame because it had so much potential.

An absolute masterclass in boss fight design. There its nothing more satisfying than taking down a difficult boss in this game after hours of learning and mastering its patterns.

Snake, What happend? snake? SNAAAAAAAAKE!?

Its a great game I just wish it wasnt so boring and ugly to look at.

I have no Idea what is actually happening in this game like most MGS games but the amazingly fun stealth sandbox it gives me access too makes it one of my all time favourites. Can we please just have an MGS 6 that is just more of this?

So in Halo 4 343 tried to turn Halo into Call of duty, In Halo 5 they tried to turn it into Titanfall and now in Halo Infinite/6 they try to turn Halo into Farcry. 343 isnt incompetent they just hate Halo. Please give the franchise to someone who will give it the respect it deserves!.

This is just a Ubisoft game in disguise. Its a relatively boring empty open world that has a map full of icons and massively overdesigned gameplay mechanics. It does nothing that we havent already seen in Assasins creeed a million times already.


A truly timeless game that will be great forever. Wolfenstein may have invented FPS but Doom perfected it!

Its so far ahead of its time and maybe the most underrated game of the 1990s. Its brilliantly designed, unique and most importantly FUN!.