While it’s successors (from what I’ve heard) may bypass it’s quality, Uncharted is still a great game that lays great foundations for a beloved series. The story and camera movement make this feel cinematic as fuck, the shootouts are quite bare bones in terms of mechanics but are still engaging, and the platforming is fun. (Albeit there were a couple times playing I didn’t know if an object was climbable or not lol)
Overall, Uncharted as a game has a great mix of story and gameplay that comes together brilliantly to form a great game.

This review contains spoilers

Luckily, Uncharted 2 improves upon the first game in almost every possible way, with only a few small complaints stopping this from reaching a 5. The story feels way more in depth here, especially compared to the first game. I was very glad by the change of scenery as the first game was ALL IN THE JUNGLE and this had a couple of varied locations that shook up the pace every now and then. The gameplay was much more fleshed out in this game, with the addition of stealth, enemy variety, more weapons and environments made this a way more well rounded experience.
But sadly, there’s a reason this wasn’t a 5, and that odds almost entirely because of the section from after the train crash and before the village under siege section. That section just bored me to my core and I had to take a break because I wanted to play something entertaining. Aside from that though, overall Uncharted 2 is an incredible game that 1-ups its predecessor in almost every way.

Most of the good parts of this have been talked to death already, but I will say that I'm hoping the full release/future updates include more moons, maybe some more mechanics or even some additional gamemodes.
Highly highly recommend, best multiplayer experience of 2023. (I didn't play it in 2023 but you get the idea)

A short review:
Play this game now

All the good from breath of the wild and more. The way that every puzzle (and when I say every puzzle, I mean every puzzle) can be solved in so many different ways is such a flex on Nintendo’s part. If you haven’t played the game, the map might look overwhelming, but in my opinion that’s the wrong way to look at it. With so much stuff on the map, what happens is I’ll set out to do something, and then get distracted and do something and get distracted again and do something else, and even after 2 hours have passed, it hasn’t been a negative for me because I’ve been having so much fun. As well as all of these, I’m really glad the story in this is way more interesting and honestly just straight up better than BOTW’s.
Easy GOTY. Incredible game.

Feels a bit too basic at the current moment, but oftentimes basic can be enough in this kind of game. At least I got it in a sale for $7. Personally, I’d recommend it if you’re a fan of casual fps games, otherwise in its current state I’d leave it.

Honestly, I could go for either Uncharted 2 or 3 as my favourite, they’re both excellent.
Finished with the trilogy! I’ll review it more as a whole in my other review, but this review will focus more on 3. Overall, I enjoyed a more personal story and development of Nate, even though that plot line felt a bit unresolved at the end. Improvements to the combat engine like melee and stealth keep the play engaging, and the amount of large set pieces keeps the parkour fresh. The only complaints for me are the shipwreck and dessert hallucination sections goes on for way too long.
Uncharted 3 is a must play for anyone who’s a fan of this genre or series.

A literal masterpiece. Even with all these games flaws, the amount of pure joy and fun I had playing there was unrivalled.
Although you could play these out of order if you wanted, the added benefit of the continuing plot line is a greatly satisfying and rewarding story of Nate, along with Sully and Elena.
And as an added bonus, the remaster does a great job of porting these in a serviceable package for the PS4.
For anyone with an interest in adventure games, third person shooters, or a good story will find something in the Nathan Drake collection.

Some of the most fun I’ve had playing a game in so long. If I’m gonna to be real this doesn’t really feel like a Mario game. Mario games can get weird, but not this weird. The amount of fresh ideas and brilliant execution is mind boggling. And then there’s the style. And then there’s the music. It keeps on going.
Get this if you have any vague interest in Mario games, because it is well worth your time.

Even though a lot of people write off the large amount of jank to short dev time, (which is fair enough) that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. At the end of the day it’s still a Celeste game though.

(played the demo)

Being a huge fan of fighting games, I thought this would be my jam… And it sort of is? On the one hand, the fighting in this is fun and obviously very visually appealing, albeit quite confusing for a newcomer. But at the same time, everything outside of the battles I dislike. The ui, the menuing and strange tutorials, it all just felt a bit off for me. Maybe I’ll get back into this at some point, but for now it stays on the shelf.

Unfortunately this was removed from ps plus recently and soo now I need to pay full price for it… tbh I’m not sure if I will. Don’t get me wrong, the story and dialogue is incredible, I love all the small stories and side quests, and the main quest is great as well. But the real turn off for me is actually the combat, which is surprising for me being a massive fan of good combat in games. It honestly felt way too repetitive and button mashy, and maybe in another game this might not be an issue but Yakuza has A LOT of combat in general. But apart from the combat, this was great and I loved it, so I’ll probably pick it up another day but for now that’s not the case.

Wish every AAA game was this short…
But seriously, this was great! Me being a big Arkham fan, I was skeptical, but this still was enjoyable, albeit in some different ways.
Obviously, it’s a given with a spider man game that the web slinging is great, and it is. The movement is fun and fluid and never gets old. The combat… does get a bit stale after a while but is still good fun for the most part. Stealth was barely ever an option for me, combat was just soo much more fleshed out and engaging.
The story was good for the most part apart from the fact that SPOILERS literally everyone Miles knows is a superhero for some reason.
On the whole, Spider man: miles morales was a excellent experience with some minor caveats, but still very much worth playing.