Was a really good experience overall!!! I usually worry about getting lost and stuff but the map was honestly useful, wish I could place more than 10 markers at a time though. There were a few points where I had to look up a guide, but I managed to figure out like 90% of things by myself. This is also one of the most beautiful games with the 3D enabled, it adds a lot to it.

Replayed the game, but in mastermode for the first time. It was difficult at the begining but wasn't too hard after a while. I also never used fast travel and instead just wandered around the map on foot/horse. It was fun to revisit it after tears of the kingdoms' release, and it still holds up I'd say. Its a lot simpler and lacks a few of the QOL changes in totk, but unless youre playing them back to back its not really something you notice or pay attention to, besides a few times where I wish i could use ascend.

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Within the first hour of playing this game, I could tell it was going to be really special. This is one of those games where the 1st playthrough is very important, any subsequent playthrough most likely will not encapsulate the same feelings.

I'll try not to say too much as it really is different to experience it yourself, but I loved exploring and learning new things about the world. It's very open ended, there's not really much extrinsice motivation, you get a few ideas of what you can do at the beginning, but really it is up to you and what you want to pursue.

I'm hesitant to say its my favorite game ever, aas recency bias is probably affecting that opinion, but it is absolutly in my top 5 games. I still have to play the DLC, I'm not sure if I'm going to hop right into that or leave it for a while until I get that Outer Wilds itch again.

I played the Wii U version a long time ago and i had a fun time playing it again. The controls on the 3ds are kinda janky but got better the more I played. I really liked the new Mario Odyssey levels too.

This was honestly much more fun than I expected. Everything that's there is great, my only problems lie with the game needing more. Most world felt well paced, but randomly 2 others were only 4 stages?? And one of them I was really liking the vibe of and then I had to go to the next one. The sections where you play as different characters were cool, but very underutilized, it happened maybe 3 times for each character through the whole game. Overall enjoyable tho.

I played through the first world but didn't really have any motivation to continue. it wasn't bad but didn't feel super engaged. Rip

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This is a pretty short game but I honestly really enjoyed it. The puzzles were challenging but not so much that I couldn't figure them out, usually everything you need is around you you just gotta look. Story wise (spoilers) it's pretty basic for most of it, something happens to the ship people are dead, the crew was also experimenting on aliens. There's also a ghost girl (kind of) which surprisingly works once its explained, but the big twist is at the end you manage to open your sleep pod and your hand is green and it's revealed that you're one of the alien that was placed in cryosleep which is pretty wacky.

Took multiple years on and off but I finally beat the game. The last week ish was the last 2 temples and ganons castle. I felt like I had a much easier time with the dungeon puzzles, I had to use a guide a few times but only for small specific things. Probably won't ever play again at least for a very very long time but I did enjoy my time with it and am glad I can say I finished it.

didn't even finish a full hour. i might just be bad at/not like rougelikes, i know that youre supposed to do them opver and over and die a llot but i struggled getting past the 1st level and it didnt make me want to continue

idk we got obsessede with fortnite and busy, I also was kinda daunted by how long it actually was cause i thought itd be a lot shorter

It was really fun at first, i like the paper mario vibes and stuff but it just got stale. most levels arent exciting and a lot of them. Youn need a ceretain thing sticker for a boss or puzzle and the game just doesnt tell you what you need so i had to look it up a lot. i was looking forward to beating it just so i could move on. then i watched chuggaconroy's video on it and i saw that it wasn't really worth finishing. which is a shame cause i liked it a lot as a kid.

it was pretty short and simple, but had just enough challenge. I died a few times but never felt frusterated. Wish i found that one key to the door so i didnt have to go around the house everytime

Apparently I only had like3 levels left, ive been stuck on one for like ever. It was honeslty kinda diffiuclt to control, especially eve level, but it was still enjoyable

got busy with college, when i'd try to hop on it was hard knowing what i was doing. I liked the dungeons, they were challenging but i could still figure them out, but I did get a bit bored of the formula near the end of my run. i liked the story and wish i could experience it more.