still wasting my time in multiplayer

might be the best stealth gameplay but i don't understand anything from the story

You keep doing same things again and again in the same fucking places.Only good thing about this game is the story and the level designs.Game regularly stars like a normal third person shooter game and it slowly turns into a horror game in the end and i loved it.But as i said gameplay is not funny and and the game repeats itself so much.

Same far cry experience with planes and country style.Nothing more nothing less.

Best competitive fps game you can ever play.But most of players are so toxic and doesn't know how to play.

best fighting game ever

one of the best multiplayer fps games ever

One of the best games i have ever played

One of the best indie games of all time.But it was a little short.

Worth playing but not as good as previous games.

Still best open world western game after 5 years.

Playing for the third time in hardest difficulty.I fucking love this game.