My favorite point and click game. Weirdly also my favorite Borderlands game

Worth it just to endlessly kill Nazi zombies. Nazi lives don't matter including when they are already dead.

Spec Ops is the best part of this game.

Loses a little by being alot shorter than the first game. But it's still a great time. The story feels kinda weak, but I love Miles as a character so much that it's hard to be upset.

This is the best depction of Peter Parker outside of the comics. The non Peter missions aren't great. But this was the next big step in Super Hero Games after Arkham City in my opinion.

Snowy game, I got it for Christmas in 2011. This is a Christmas game to me.

I really liked this game when I played it, I hear that the game has had more added to it since then, but I have a lot of trouble replaying this game as parts that I didn't mind the first time around are harder to stomach on a second playthrough so I haven't gotten to experience the new stuff. Maybe some day.

Easily my most played game in the series. The definitive smash experience at this point. Only doesn't hit 5 stars because it's lack of extra modes compared to other games in the series is pretty disappointing.

This was the first video game I ever owned. I peaked early in life. At the ripe age of 3

Still amazing, but with Royal being out, there just isn't much of a reason to come back to it. Though there are some aspects I like better, such as the ending being a much more satisfying conclusion, but I don't know it's worth the trade off of the 3rd semester.

Not as good as the first game as a whole package, but man it's real fun to shoot people in it.

This is the game that made me realize that I can be more than just annoying about how much I like a game. I could be EXTREMLEY annoying.

Bee plasmid is the best plasmid.