Played 130 hours of it after already playing the original for over a 100 hours Yeah, its alright. Could have been a bit longer.


Only rougelite i like because i wanna bang all the characters. And I mean ALL of them.

Open world games haven't been the same since

Fun for a retro throwback, but doesn't hold up as well as other older games in the series.

The first one you play will always be the most special

Peak pokemon. Best region, argue with the wall.

I understand why everyone hates it. But i've played it way to many times to not stand by it.

I had a blast with this game. It's so freaking fun. But i'd be lying if I rated it higher. I had an amazing time, but that was despite the game's polish, not because of it.

Created a huge slut for strategy games in the year of our lord 2015.

This is the game that made me realize that I can be more than just annoying about how much I like a game. I could be EXTREMLEY annoying.

Bee plasmid is the best plasmid.

Not as good as the first game as a whole package, but man it's real fun to shoot people in it.

Still amazing, but with Royal being out, there just isn't much of a reason to come back to it. Though there are some aspects I like better, such as the ending being a much more satisfying conclusion, but I don't know it's worth the trade off of the 3rd semester.