I have decided.

This is the worst piece of shit game I have played in my entire life. Garbage controls, horrible music, and barely functional levels add up to a horribly unforgettable experience.

BIG nostalgia trip, I remember preordering this game from gamestop loooong ago. Was it fun? A little bit. Was it memorable? Surprisingly.

This game is incredible. You can make brain tacos for zombies. 10/10 gameplay.

Also, there is an iOS version. Fix yo website, backloggd.

Incredibly atmospheric and refined. Loved the spectacular horror elements and fun gameplay. For a game that came out in 2019, it could easily pass for a next-gen release. This game is so good, even the voice acting is solid. 5/5.

Masterpiece. Mario Galaxy? Ocarina of Time? Half-Life 2? Never heard of them.

Probably the best eight dollars I've ever spent.

Pretty zamn. A true classic among other arcade games.

Damn, that was the greatest movie I've ever played.

A flawless, fun loving, enjoyable, and emotional adventure. No game comes near the level of perfection this game has managed to master.

Quite fun, although I haven't seen an explanation for the battle system's mechanics.

Fun if you're under the age of nine years old.