This is one of the worst Megaman games I have ever played. I was so frusturated playing this and I never want to feel it ever again. It's not the worst since it was made on the Gameboy and Iceman and Fireman are somewhat not hard bosses. But dear god I hope that the second game is better.

I don't know what rating to give this game at the moment cause I loved it so much, but is it better then Spider-Man 1? It improves on so many things from the original and in Miles Morales, while improving on the progression of things like how in this game, crime is not tied to area completion and is just a distraction. I will also say that the story got me to FEEL and EMOTE and TEAR. I hope they do DLC for this game like they did for the 1st game.

it's the first game in the series and can be completed in less then an hour. Still pretty cozy like most of the games in this series.

This was such a ride. I have my problems with this game, I think that half the bosses are not that fun, the opening is a little too slow, the length can make it feel like it's going on forever, and Olivier is a character that I dispise. But the story really carried the game with moments where I was verbally reacting to ever reveal and moment. The combat was simple but effective for getting you through the story, too bad I sucked at it, I really liked most of the characters with Joshua being my favorite character throughout the entire. Great game, hope SC is an improvment.

This is in the same vein as Pseudoregelia for me, it was good for what it is, but nothing to go insane about. The item abilites were cool, I love using the bubble wand to break some moments. The game was perfectly balanced around what you can do. I will say there was stuff that annoyed me. The Ghost Dog was really annoying to deal with, the spikes would sometimes blend in well with the background that it would be hard to tell what's there and what wasn't, and for waht it is, the $25 asking price is a bit too much. Still fun, but nothing to freak out over or to get right away.

I'm gonna be honest I respect this game more then I like it. This was a frustrating time. I was playing on Easy cause I am a wimp as we call it in the business and the game was kicking my ass over and over again. Platforming in this game is horrendous with precise keyboard clicking that it was causing me more game overs then the battle segments. The final battle was one that was annoying with all the problems I had with the game molded into a boss that tested my Patience. There is a reason that I was playing this game on and off throughout the years I ahd this game. While this game is dated and a product of its time. I still have respect for it and can see how it inspired so many games that came after this. It has a creepy atmosphere when you are going through the sewers or vents filled with alien parasites. Xen is breathtaking, for as frustrated as I was platforming around it, I couldn't get enough of the vibe here. There are cool setpieces like the helicopter chase, with a nice bookend when you take it down with your newly acquired rocket launcher. The assassins genuinely freaked me out, you can only hear the sounds of their footsteps before they blink into view and start ripping into you. It's a good horror game, but one that frustrated me a few too many times. But I mean, come on. It's fucking Half-Life. I may not enjoy the game as other people have, but from what I have been saying of course I came out of it with a lot of respect. Wish me luck when I get to the Expansions.

Another game on the list of I couldn't stop playing till the end. The core gameplay of grinding to get the most points and to get to higher places for grafiti is satisfying. The Soundtrack is fire and the cell shading sells it as a Jet Set Radio successor. The only problems I had with it was that the combat was not that fin or kenetic for a game focused on combos are kenetic movement and the bosses were either annoying to deal with or had attacks that were annoying. Till an amazing game that is well worth the money.

I'm gonna be honest, I was not having that much fun with this one. The first half was fine, better then II. But then we reach the second half where the stages go on forever and the bs Scale is off the mother fucking charts. I am starting to think that Megaman on GB is something that dosen't work at all.

Playing this after finishing Remake, this was defintly a step up from Remake. Like with VII Remake, this is another hard game to talk about. There will be no spoilers for this game whatsoever, I will only be mentioning everything from Kalm to Gold Saucer (2nd visit).

Like with Remake this is one of the best looking games ever made. With many shots from the game that blew me away, also helps that we are not stuck in Midgar and have many visual distinct areas like the Gold Saucer, Cosmo Canyon, and Gongaga. The Characterization for all the characters in Remake and the Characters that were introduced in this game were on point with vocal direction that is as amazing as it has alaways been. Cait Sith being Scootish gives me life. The music is some of the best music I've ever heard in a video game with every track being a banger. Like with Remake, the combat is the best way to handle the mix of Hack n Slash and Turn Based Elements with you needing to juggle attacking the enemies and to manage the menu's with the abilities and spells. If I were to rank the characters in terms of how fun I found them (Red XIII, Yuffie, Aerith, Tifa, Cait Sith, Cloud, Berret). Some of the new stuff in the game is really good, the play on the Gold Saucer made me cry. There are a few problems that kept me from loving this game. The stuff with Zack was really confussing with what they were implying, that can also go for the endgame of the story, some parts are a slog with the pace breaking puzzles that were in the original, and finally Sephiroth shows up not every 5 minutes, but moreso every hour, which is better, but even in the original, he wasn't there 24/7.

Just like with Remake, this is not a game that is welcoming to newcomers, but is also not a game for veterians with how different it is. But this is an amazing game that is held back by some of the same problems as Remake. Probably won't be in my top 3 games of this year if I had to guess.

Played this with friends and it is some of the most tense gaming I've ever experienced. Can't wait to see mor eof what this project has in store.

This is a hard game to talk about. I did enjoy the game overall, but it does many things that hold it back for me. For Context, I played this game 24 hours after I beat the Original Final Fantasy VII, so it was fresh in my mind. I wanted to see the game, not only from a newcomers point of view, but also from the perspective from someone who loves the Original VII.

To get the positives out of the way. This is one of the best looking games I have ever played. With many shots from the game that blew me away. The Characterization is on point with excellent voice actors that fit the roles really well. The music is some of the best music I've ever heard in a video game with every track being a banger. The Combat of the game is probably the best way to handle turn based RPG's and Hack n Slashes with you needing to juggle attacking the enemies and to manage the menu's with the abilities and spells, and finally some of the new stuff in the game like the new characters, the dance minigame, and the jessie chapter being straight up fun or enhanced characters from the original game I didn't think much of.

The Negatives of the game are that I think some of the new content like the Hell House Boss, the 2nd visit to the sewers and the new ending to be slogs to go through. Some parts of the game felt like they went on for so long with Hojo's Lab being the biggest example. The Story I am overall mixed on, with the moments from the original game being recreated in a cool way, but there are some moments in the story where it just went in a direction I was not a fan of like the Train Graveyard, My Biggest Issue with this game is Sephiroth, What made Sephiroth one of the best parts of the original game was that he was not seen for about a 3rd of the original game, you heard about him through hearsay from the other characters and you saw his actions after they were done leaving you thinking who he was. In the Remake he shows up every 5 seconds and it just ruins the point of Sephiroth in general.

I don't see how this game is made for newcomers or how this game was made for veterians. I do think that the future 7 Remake parts will dictate how well this game holds up, but for right now I did have a good time with this game, but it is held back by decisions that were made with a sequel in mind, which is not the best way to start a trilogy.

Now that I have fully 100% Sonic Frontiers from beginning to end, I can say without hiberbaly that this is one of my new favorite Sonic Games. There are things in the games that I am not a huge fan of. Rhea Island and Ouranos Island are the worst parts of the game with Rhea being too linear and Ouranos taking the longest to 100% with so many tokens. The story is still the story of all time with moments I like and moments I am not really a huge fan of. But even after all of that, this was a game I was having a hard time putting down. The movment in this game is even better then at launch with all the options to it and having the ability to carry your speed into your jump, the combat while simplistic gets the job done, the soundtrack is one of the best soundtracks in the series, the bosses were still kina hype TBH, I'm gonna be honest, Cyberspace is not all that bad. Sure there are problems with Cberspace like some of the handling and level design, but they are short bite sized levels which have objectives to do, and some of the new content from Updates 1 and 2 are fantastic. I really enjoyed the Koko challanges, cause they were the Unleashed DLC Levels if they were fun to complete and having the Spin Dash and music notes that play music from previous sonic gmaes was pretty cool. Excited to replay the game one day.

My team was a Warrior, Red Mage, Black Mage, and Monk. The game is a little hard to know where you are supposed to go to a point where I had to use a guide. The Game is easy until the Final Boss which was the only Part where I had to grind. Thankfuly, There is a fast forward button and an excellent redone OST. It was good but there are better games in the future.

This game was so much better then Dr. Wily's Revenge, but I felt as though that this game was too easy, it showered me with lives and introduced E-Tanks, but some bosses like Crash Man and Needle Man were too unpredictable. So overall it was meh.

This review contains spoilers

This was fine. I liked the new cyber stages, the music is top tier as always with this franchise, playing the other characters were fun and were diffrent from each other and I liked that. But it is still Ouranos Island and it is the worst of the 5 islands, some sections were really not well designed like the 3rd tower climb, the final boss, and the master koko trial, and finally the ending was not worth it cause it's a slightly diffrent ending from the original. It had moments that were poorly made and some things that were really good that I like. But the hardest thing in this franchise? nah, Sonic Unleashed DLC is still the hardest thing in this franchise.