I remember my first time playing UNDERTALE It was a breath of fresh air with it’s funny cast of characters, turn based yet active battle system, and a well thought out world that made you want to explore and interact with little thing in there made this game one of my new favorites to play over and over again. While deltarune chapter 1 was good it didn’t scratch that same itch as much as UNDERTALE did, but I can understand that it is great and one of the better games to come out of what I thought was an okay year in gaming. Deltarune Chapter 2 is even better then chapter 1. The combat is the same in Chapter 1 but in this one your in a new location with new characters, new enemies, and a new villain that I want more of, Noelle is one of my favorite characters in this game and how she learns to stand up for herself, Berdly I don’t like that much cause he has the same personality as other asshole birds like Ravali and Falco that I was contemplating saving him when he got captured, and I don’t want to tal about spanton if i'm being honest. The bosses except for spamton were really fun with the final boss of this chapter being my favorite. The ending scene left me wondering what is going to happen to our characters and the world around Kris and Susie. Needless to say can’t wait to see what will happen in Chapter 3 and onwards.


I think this game is neck and neck with 4. the bosses are more fun, but some of the weapons are a downgrade or bad. it's harder then 4, but also easier then 4. it depends on my mood if I like it more then 4, for now I think it's better

This is a socail deduction game like Among Us. It is really fun with friends, but what puts it below Among Us in my opinion is that it is mechanically very simple and that dosen't create that much suspense or suspecion that Among Us really gives to players. It also isn't very long with matches that last at least 2 minutes when Among Us has about 7 minutes matches. I wouldn't say it's bad, I mean it is a free game, but there can be so much room to grow in a sequel.

I still stand by my criticisms with Sly 2, The Bosses are not that good aside from Jean Bison, The game feels tiring at the end with not enough Variety in the missions, the fact you have to go back manually to the Hideout to switch characters instead of just going back there instantly, and any mission with aim controls makes me go crazy, As well as the tank minigame being very finiky. But damn it's a really good game. I love the story even more on the second go around, All the characters feel great to control, the fact the things you do builds up to this epic conclusion to each chapter is fantastic, and the villains aside form Neyla are either smart or mincing. I still prefer Sly 3 at the moment, but maybe that will change on a second playthrough.

I could go after the chaos emeralds but FUCK THAT, I DISPISE THIS GAME. It's worst then the Game Gear Games. Sonic doesn't have any form of momentum. The Spin Dash is worthless, The Level Design is shit, and the music is ear grading. I will never touch this game again.

I can understand why to many this is worthy of Best game of all time, but I personally don't see it. The atmosphere holds up in this game kind of giving you a claustrophobic feel. The Graphics aren't as good as DKC but still hold up. Collecting stuff feels rewarding every time cause you found it and had to figure out a puzzle. The controls don't do it for me. IMO the controls in the 1st three Metroid games don't hold up all that well and that later games like Fusion and Zero Mission do it better. I think there should've been a fast travel system do minimize traversing the environment. and the bosses are weak cause you can exploit them very easily like Spamming Super Missiles, Later games IMO have better bosses. Overall I don't hate Super Metroid and would play it over more than half of the Metroid games but I think there are some other Metroid games that are better.

This was such an awesome game to play. It's a mix of Rhythm and hack and slash and it suprisingly works well. I love all of these characters so much. The action is fun with you having to time your combo's to the beat, it is mega addicting. The game looks really pretty with the art style of making it look like a comic or Manga. The Humor in this game is top notch, as well as the soundtrack. If I had one complaint it's that the levels can sometimes go on for a bit too long, but other then that it was a mega fun time. I hope that other people get to play this.


It was a fine game. I don't know why I wasn't into this one compared to other boomer shooters I played like DUSK, Doom 2016, and Ultrakill. Myabe it's the maze like level design, maybe it's the fact that the weapon balance is a little off, maybe it's the music that wasn't my thing. I can't be sure, it's a game I respect more then I like.

This review contains spoilers

This is my game of the year. I know my way around ye old Final Fantasy and my hype for this game in the pre-release was beyond massive and I am glad to say that it didn’t disappoint. The combat is beyond fun, it is quite honestly a masterclass in the Hack N Slash genre. You are given so many options to choose from with the different Eikons you can acquire from the aerial set up of Garuda, the area control that Odin can give you, and the set ups that can come from Phoenix and Ifrit’s abilities. The Eikon fights are some of the most hyped things in all of not only Final Fantasy but in gaming period with top notch music to accompany them. The story of XVI is one that I will never forget with its themes on human nature. The villain is one you don’t meet till after the first third of the game, but when you look back his presence has been there since Clive awoke Ifrit. I adore this game and I hope that one day I can make a video that can explain everything that I feel about this masterpiece.

This was something I played cause of Sea of Stars and hot damn am I glad I played it. It's your typical Ninja Gaiden like game, but what makes it great is the switch from 8-bit to 16-bit was more then a gimmick, it is imcomperated into the level design of the game, which was very unique and Distinguished it from other indie game. The story seems simple at first, but you peel the layers as you go further and your mind will be blown a couple times. My biggest gripe was that the Prophicies in the later half of the game were too vauge, but this was a great time and was worth a playthrough.

I think the technical side of Legends Arceus is one of the worst Nintendo Switch Games. The Actual Game was really fun, Probably the second best Pokémon Story in the series, The Gameplay is really fun, the bosses were cool and difficult, my main problem is that the game can feel repetitive, and I think they're should've been more Pokémon Battles to balance out the rest of the game, and some of the quest like Hide and Seek with Sabi was kind of boring. But overall I had fun. Pokémon still isn't out of the woods yet IMO, but this was a nice surprise. Easily my surprise game of 2022.

Yeah this game wasn't that good. I think that is the poster child of first game syndrome. It has some good stuff like the weapons, looks good for a early NES Game, and those tunes. But that's about it.

Fine music, later half was the weakest. Bosses were not that great. Special Stages if they were officail were the second best. It gave me the feeling of playing Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Not much to say other then I had a fun time.