Still one of the best collectathon's of all time.

This is the most fun I had with a arcade styled game.

I think the technical side of Legends Arceus is one of the worst Nintendo Switch Games. The Actual Game was really fun, Probably the second best Pokémon Story in the series, The Gameplay is really fun, the bosses were cool and difficult, my main problem is that the game can feel repetitive, and I think they're should've been more Pokémon Battles to balance out the rest of the game, and some of the quest like Hide and Seek with Sabi was kind of boring. But overall I had fun. Pokémon still isn't out of the woods yet IMO, but this was a nice surprise. Easily my surprise game of 2022.

I could go after the chaos emeralds but FUCK THAT, I DISPISE THIS GAME. It's worst then the Game Gear Games. Sonic doesn't have any form of momentum. The Spin Dash is worthless, The Level Design is shit, and the music is ear grading. I will never touch this game again.

I still stand by my criticisms with Sly 2, The Bosses are not that good aside from Jean Bison, The game feels tiring at the end with not enough Variety in the missions, the fact you have to go back manually to the Hideout to switch characters instead of just going back there instantly, and any mission with aim controls makes me go crazy, As well as the tank minigame being very finiky. But damn it's a really good game. I love the story even more on the second go around, All the characters feel great to control, the fact the things you do builds up to this epic conclusion to each chapter is fantastic, and the villains aside form Neyla are either smart or mincing. I still prefer Sly 3 at the moment, but maybe that will change on a second playthrough.


This game isn't that bad, The Sonic levels are fun, the custom stages are fun, the music is good, I wasn't bored at all. I only don't like Classic Sonic, the story, and the bosses. It's a game one could call a guilty pleasure.

I thought this was a fun time, with this Sonic having the 3rd best controls in the series, only 5 levels I didn't like, good music, and interesting gimmicks, but I don't like the casino level, the bosses or the story. This is slightly better then Forces cause the levels are more fun to go through.

I have faith in Sonic Again? Are we sure we're in the right timeline?

I think this is a great Ratchet and Clank game, I like the new and fresh settings and different characters, The ending felt very Avengers Endgame esk. I love the weapons in this game with the new ones being some of my all time favorites and the returning ones were great, The Phantom Dash needs to be in future games. Just a fun ride.

Sonic's Story
Sonic Controls fine, Tails is fine, Knuckles is bad, the bosses are not that good, Elise is not a bad character, but there's not much to her. The Stages are well designed. And the Story is fine, and I don't mind the relationship of Sonic and Elise. it's just there. 5/10
Silver's Story
Silver Controls Fine, Blaze is one of the better contorling characters, Amy is a piece of shit, The Bosses are not that good, Crisis City, Tropical Jungle, Wave Ocean, and Radical Train are good stages, Dusty Desert is bad. The Story has some cringy moments. 2-3/10
Shadow's Story
Shadow and omega are good to control, Rouge is one the low end, the bosses are sometimes fun, the levels are well designed, and the story is well told and really puts Shadow's Character into perspective with what Mephi8les is trying to do to him. 6-7/10
The Music is a banger, the game does run at 1280x720 and targets 60 FPS, but the textures look blurry, and the game chugs, the S ranks are easy to cheese in the stages.
Final Story
The End of the World is not as bad as I remember, THe Kiss is uneccesary, but I love that scene, the music that plays in that scene is amazing, the Solaris boss is the best one in the game and the ending is one I like.

This took a game that was already one of my all time favorites and made it even better.