This game is better then OG RE4. The game is really pretty even at 1080P. The controls are probobly the main reason I prefer this over the original. The story is an actual story. Ashley is a character,. Luis is the best character in this game. There are sections that were a slog in the original that have been removed. I do think that the merchant quest aren't that fun. There were moments where I would be cornored and would be moments where I would get comboed to death, and the controls felt a bit sluggish. But Overall a great remake.

I cried at the end of this game. The combat is the same as Xenoblade 3 with it's own little flare to it. The new characters I love, Especially A. The world felt new and fimiliar at the same time. The Bosses were fun in this. The new music slaps. I still think Torna is the better story expansion/game, but this is a close second.

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Overall I had a fun time with this game. It reignited that magic I haven't felt in a long time with a Zelda game since Breath of the Wild. The world feels smaller then Breath of the WIld I feel, but is so dense with stuff to do with the base level, the depths, and the sky islands. There were actual dungeons in this game, but I will say that the Wind Temple and the Sage Temple weren't really all that satisfying with puzzles that weren't really that challanging or in depth and bosses that were lackluster or painfully easy. The performence is 75% solid with the other 25% being the ultrahand and going into the depths. The Story felt padded out at times like after you get the first 4 sages and you go to Hyrule Castle, which while good for exsposition was still somewhat a time waster. The Shirnes were fun bite sized challanges as always. The new powers were fun, aside fromAscend and Fuse sense those 2 were either a power that was in BOTW or a way to make the duribility issue less of one, which came to be like a Band Aid over a open wound. The Final Encounter was great till the final phase where I was going through Deja Vu all over again. There are some things BOTW does better then TOTK, but I think I prefer TOTK over it.

This is the best 3DS Game I have ever played. The controls I have heard the worst things about it, but I never had a problem with it. The music for this game is so good with Chapter 15's air battle song being my favorite. Every boss is fun to fight and learn. There are so many weapons to choose, my favorites were Bow's, Claw's, and Palm's. The graphics for this game is nut's. This is one of the best looking games on the 3DS, right up there with Kirby's Triple Deluxe and Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Every Character is great with Hades being the best character of them all, being both halarious and intimidating at the same time. I highly recommend this game if you haven't played it yet.

This is probobly the best mario kart to date. The update to 60 FPS is a godsend. The game looks absolutly stunning nearly 9 years later with Deluxe having the upgrade to 1080P. With all the content from the Wii U version plus some little things added like the new character inkling Girl/Boy and skins for other characters is great. This is one of my new favorite racing games, though I still prefer Sonic and All Stars Racing: Transformed.

it's the first game in the series and can be completed in less then an hour. Still pretty cozy like most of the games in this series.

Overall a good game. There are some things that infuriate me. Some of the bosses, the shooting, and the backtracking especially, which is an hour of gameplay in disc 2. but the overall stealth was good, The Story is great with themes of living resonating with me personally. Liquid is one of the best villains ever, and while the graphics are not the best in terms of 1998, the audio direction and voice direction are the best of that generation. A bit dated, but fun.

This feels like a game that is from an era long gone. Such charming characters and worlds to visit, simplistic combat, bosses that aren't that great, THE PERFECT COLLECATHON ADVENTURE PLATFORMER. I will say that stages can go on for a bit too long and it starts to feel a bit exhasting especailly with a game where the focus is to collect as many time pieces as you can. Still had a blast, easily one of the best games of 2017.

This is one of the most addicting games I have ever played. There are some minigames I don't enjoy like Tip-Toe, Snowy Scrap, Stomping Grounds, etc. But the fun stuff with friends is some of the most fun I ever had with them. Will continue to play it.

I lowkey kind of suck at Pikmin, but I do think that it's a good game. The bosses are really bad though with the Emperior Bulblax being the standout example, the pikmin can be really stupid and annoying to deal with, and I think that 30 days is a little to geniourus. But I will say that the Game looks really good for a Gamecube launch title, the puzzles were fun to deal with, I love planning out the day, and it's somehow really addicting to go back to it to get further into fixing your ship. But like I said I suck at Pikmin. Pray to god that Pikmin 2 is not bad like I think it is.

Such a music video of a video game. At least the song is a bop.

If this was official this would be the best Classic Megaman game. This is basically 9, but if it was more creative. The weapons are all great and give 9 a run for it;s money, the ost is boping, I like the addition of Roll since she isn't easy mode. She has no charge shoot and takes slightly more damage, but she has beat which means she can fly, and she has a double jump, so making the choice between Megaman or Roll is the name of the game. The final levels of this game are some of the hardest levels I've played in a 2D Platformer and need I mention the last 2 screens of this game. It's a labor of love and I commend Dennis Engelhard for what he had created.

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This is my game of the year. I know my way around ye old Final Fantasy and my hype for this game in the pre-release was beyond massive and I am glad to say that it didn’t disappoint. The combat is beyond fun, it is quite honestly a masterclass in the Hack N Slash genre. You are given so many options to choose from with the different Eikons you can acquire from the aerial set up of Garuda, the area control that Odin can give you, and the set ups that can come from Phoenix and Ifrit’s abilities. The Eikon fights are some of the most hyped things in all of not only Final Fantasy but in gaming period with top notch music to accompany them. The story of XVI is one that I will never forget with its themes on human nature. The villain is one you don’t meet till after the first third of the game, but when you look back his presence has been there since Clive awoke Ifrit. I adore this game and I hope that one day I can make a video that can explain everything that I feel about this masterpiece.

This was something I played cause of Sea of Stars and hot damn am I glad I played it. It's your typical Ninja Gaiden like game, but what makes it great is the switch from 8-bit to 16-bit was more then a gimmick, it is imcomperated into the level design of the game, which was very unique and Distinguished it from other indie game. The story seems simple at first, but you peel the layers as you go further and your mind will be blown a couple times. My biggest gripe was that the Prophicies in the later half of the game were too vauge, but this was a great time and was worth a playthrough.


It was a fine game. I don't know why I wasn't into this one compared to other boomer shooters I played like DUSK, Doom 2016, and Ultrakill. Myabe it's the maze like level design, maybe it's the fact that the weapon balance is a little off, maybe it's the music that wasn't my thing. I can't be sure, it's a game I respect more then I like.