It is just fine. Wish it leaned more into the whole graffiti thing

It is a 2/5, but a really fun 2/5. Like a budget EDF (which is a scary statement).

So the game has its flaws but it is Yakuza at its most Yakuza. The plot is convoluted but the actual character writing is some of the best in the series. The combat is probably the easiest one but it is fun being that OP. The new cities need a bit of work but the game has some of the funniest substories in the series (such as Santa Saejima). Music is amazing in general and this game has the most side content in the series.

This rating is mainly due to its great mechanics that you can have fun with in Mercenaries mode. Outside of that, the game is pretty bad as the campaigns aren't really built for you to take advantage of the mechanics.

The story is a mess that has way too many setpieces but you can have fun if you and the person you are playing with want to tear it into as it can be very funny on accident.

If you can, play Haunting Ground instead as it is a refined version of what this game is going. Except for the cutscenes, since Haunting Ground goes for horror and this game has the some of the campiest cutscenes you could see in a game.

First half of the story is like the first game, and has some tense moments. 2nd half is much more light-hearted and comedic (not necessarily bad but the opposite of the other games' tone). The story feels like it ends abruptly, which hurts some of the character arcs (Sigrun especially).

On a gameplay front, they nerfed the stealth greatly so you need to do direct combat more. BJ gets more options for this, but it does make the game feel like diet Doom. Several weapons were merged or removed too. The guns get the job done and dual wielding any combination of guns is fun.

Story and atmosphere is really good in a way that is different than the other games. The antagonist is such an interesting character and the way the story unravels in an interesting way. Poor sound design, level design, and changes to the combat system drag the game down. The changes of the inventory system to limited space did not take in account SH's amount of items to grab.

Massive improvement over the OG Separate Ways.

Despite the controls, the game is a masterpiece. Great story, dialog, music, artstyle, and massive variety of weapons and loadouts. Add in a large challenge list (similar to SSBB and Kirby Air Ride) and adjustable difficulties and you have Mashiro Sakurai's magmun opus.

Pacing drags the game down but the core of the game is very good. Combat system needs some tweaks

Story is weaker than the first game, but has the best gameplay and side content of RGG Studios.

The game is probably the best translation of Jojo's to game form as 1v1 beat-em-up. You must recreate moments from the manga to get buffs in each fight. The game has issues, as the characters move stiffly and the some of bosses have severe tedious elements to them.