135 reviews liked by BOZE

The only thing keeping this from being an A24 movie is Anya Taylor Joy not being in it

i understand pokémon about as much as my grandma understands computers and since there is no ingame menu to tell me which elements counters which etc. (yeah it's silly) most of the stuff goes over my head

however this fucking rules for a browser game though no?

Wait, I'm actually excited for this.

But why is Galactus an Anime Girl

been playing the alpha and already im having more fun than ive had on Overwatch 2 in the last 8 months

Played 2 hours and realized I just was not having any fun. I don't particularly like the weapon (his attack animations/feel). I have problems timing the parry and the dodge to the attack animations. I love big shields in Dark Souls, but that feeling is NOT the same as shielding in this game. I dont like that the first area is just a open area with some "ruins".

I got to the second area (a big safe zone city) and all my exploration drive went away. I do not want to hear any more talking, I don't want to explore anymore so I just quit.

Yeah I think the artstyle, setting, and music is a good change of pace for Souls-likes, but it I don;t like the combat so 👎

Matthew C. Perry was mewing during the entirety of the game.

a lesser person would say "i'm speechless" when reviewing this. i am not speechless. i got the speech.

this is, somehow, really fucking cool. i love experimental and surreal shit, and this is obviously not exactly a "game" but more of an experience. you watch this weird ass footage while INCREDIBLE music plays -- no shit, this is going on my list of the best soundtracks of all time.

i played this purely out of curiosity. i watched a bit of a gameplay on youtube but i wanted to know how it actually controls, like what do you do while watching. basically nothing. but i still think it's something cool. and i must note, if these weren't images of a near naked woman, i would still love it, hell, i'd probably love it more. if it were bad early 2000s surreal cgi, it would be amazing. this is going on my list of "dream games".

i'll probably not watch this all the way through because i honestly don't care but i'm really impressed lol.

In terms of world-building and atmosphere, this is undoubtedly one of my favorite games of all time. I love how Remedy embraces the inherent surrealism and absurdity of games, and I wish more studios on their level thought this way.

The core combat gameplay is fine, but it gets tiresome by the end, and the occasional puzzles are bog-standard tedium. Everything else about the game is so good that it almost doesn't matter. I have high hopes for the sequel.

Armored Core 6 is a true love letter to the franchise, and it shows.
You're not just fighting against other mechs; you're tearing through massive environments, dodging barrages of missiles, and unleashing devastating firepower. It's a visceral experience that really makes you feel like you're piloting a giant war machine.

The customization options are just as mind-boggling. You can build your AC from the ground up, choosing from a vast array of weapons, armor, and internal components. There are endless combinations to try, and it's a blast experimenting with different builds to find the perfect one for your playstyle.

The story is surprisingly compelling, too. It's a bit of a slow burn at first, but it gradually builds to a crescendo of epic battles and emotional reveals.

loved it alot, will love the other souls games. Meeting Astraea Garland in the Valley of Defilement..god. Fighting alongside Biorr..sick. Watching Ostrava come to his final realization...GOD! ups and downs, the more I read about this world the more I love it. Need to play the original for the vibe at some point...