One of the all-time greats. It hits you hard with its fun, spooky setting and atmosphere while still being cartoonish and goofy; it proudly wears its big weird personality on its sleeve and flaunts it. With every run being only 4-5 hours long and also implementing a ranking system evaluating your performance throughout the playthrough, Luigi's Mansion is truly meant to be endlessly replayed over and over to achieve better ranks and to improve your skill. And the soundtrack, being an organized amalgamation of clarinets, harps and electronic synths, tickles the ears so vigorously that its always a pleasure to listen to despite many tracks being so short. So much care is put into making this thing so memorable, its a feat all on its own.
Even with a 3DS remake out in the wild, the original is still worth playing if only for the refined controls as well as the physical manifestation of heavenly ecstacy that is the GameCube's controller. Absolutely nothing can be taken for granted when you're spending the evening plowing through this paranormally congested mansion's halls.
After twenty-two years and soon to be twenty-two years ahead, this game stays and will forever stay an incredible classic worthy of everyone's time, love, money, carnal intimacy, and brain-shaped real estate.

Certainly the greatest game of all time

Good game when you don't got someone in your ear telling you it's trash because of microtransactions and worthless online multiplayer.
Anyways, it's trash because of microtransactions and worthless online multiplayer.


I might be bad at fighting games but I think even professional Arms enthusiasts will agree that Arms exists. Just, a video game of all time. Certainly one of them.

A cute, relaxing, very comfortable game that is still very enjoyable, despite low difficulty and abundance of tride and true DS touch screen and microphone use. This game simultaneously developed and worsened my Peach hyperfixation and it will affect yours too. :)


Extremely culturally insensitive and appropriative, and slightly transphobic? See, just because it's a funny sex game doesn't mean it can't be fairly critiqued and especially if its because of something like that. Anyways if they added Amiibo support it would easily improve the experience.

Very gameplay focused with much emphasis on side content and missions with minor yet endearing online elements.
The story is very obviously unfinished, segmented and also bad. However the world of Mira is tons of fun to explore, especially after obtaining Skells, and the combat system, while complicated, is extremely fun and rewarding once understood. Definitely an experience worth having, despite the sinking ship of a console it is stuck on...

Certainly a video game. One of all time, even.

A timeless masterpiece. It might be a children's game but it is unnesessarily high quality, dense with content, and fun.

Excellent beginner entry for new Zelda fans. Not too difficult or brain taxing but also deliciously high quality and fun. Easily a MUST play for any and all 3DS owners.

Such a relaxing game to come back to every now and again. Its personality and charm are still uncontested to this day. It is too lovely of a game to be solely remembered as a lowly mobile phone game; it deserves to be remembered as one of the greater casual games of all time.

Houses the GREATEST Mario character of all time: THE CHIMP.
Other than that its probably a more difficult but less emotional and more forgettable game compared to the first Mario Galaxy but its still like, enjoyable or something.

One of the greatest games I've ever played. Absolutely phenomenal artstyle and visuals with immaculate level and enemy designs to match. Movement is extremely refined and the story is both emotional and endearing.