A cute and short game for those people who like action platformers like Rachet and Clank but without all the weapons and different types of monsters.

More games that play with your mind please!

The story mode is incredibly entertaining: you play Tetris but every time the background is different and every move you make correspond with a specific sound. The multiplayer is boring after few games unfortunately

Is this game perfect? No, but damn do you feel the New Vegas vibes in this one! With smaller maps with more condensed elements, the ability to talk your way out from many fights (just like I like it) and with cool weapons, this game is a very good Obsidian experience, not too long and not too short, that I suggest to all the New Vegas fans!

Calling this game gorgeous, charming, emotional and funny is not enough. People I know did not like the fact that gaming site called this "Mother-like", but what they don't understand that this game is not trying to be Mother: is made by people that loved the series (and Mother 3 especially), but also other games, and tried to make their own game from the passion that they had for this title. Inspiration is way different from copying guys, and if you play the game you feel it.

Some people I know also told me that it is boring, slow to set in motion. I can promise you, if you think it is boring at the beginning, it will always be boring for you. This game takes it time, wants to tell a story, wants you to read its dialogues. AND THEN also do really cool dungeons and fight bosses like I have not see for a long time in games like Zelda.

Finally, the art. EVERY character, every character is charming, with a little animation made only for him. There are people you don't even need to talk with that will be more interesting to look and talk to than the average "Nintendo seal of Quality" game. I'm serious, I can remember more characters from this game than from the last Zelda (and I loved the last Zelda).

So, yeah, try it. The only problem I had were with SOME fights in which it was hard to not smash the buttons in order to try to survive. But overall a great game!

I loved the game...until I got tired. Do you know the feeling? When things work and you are having fun in an open world doing side quests, but then you have to finish the main campaign and... you get bored? Unepic ending? Yeah, that. The world and lore behind is very nice, but you always feel like what you are seeing is "paper backgrounds", the idea that the world is beautiful until you don't get too close and notice that it's flat. Despite many people criticizing the combat I liked it, it's fast, funny and responsive if you are not a FPS-dude. The problem is the way too short main story. The side quest? The one that are interesting on a story prospective are too fast, and there waaaay too many side quests where you just have to do... stuff. Incredible that this is made by the same people of Witcher 3.
So yeah, cool game, very funny and fast paced if you rush it but little bit empty if you want to get really deep into it

A fun game as always, with many cool mini games (especially the Old Nintendo ones)... But not enough. The game is very short and I am not the type to replay for getting higher scores type of guy unfortunately. Still a cute Nintendo product from other times

I decided to play it again after 7 years. Still an amazing experience, the perfect length for a legendary videogame!

We need more games like this. Is it no perfect by any mean, but what I heard, which is that the combat is boring, is incredibly untrue: you need to use your allies abilities almost all the time, due to the fact that Star-Lord guns aren't so strong. And that's ok, he is more the supporter of the team, breaking their shields with his elemental bullets.
The acting in English is very well done.
Some bugs here and there, but nothing that saving, turning off the game and on again can't fix!
To be honest, I will not be able to see Chris Pratt as Star-Lord anymore after this amazing performance. Much more likable, a much better human being.
And the most important detail: is short and it is for free on Game Pass. Play it soon so they can make a sequel!

A true gem in showing that "tell, don't show" is still an incredible option for low budget games. The words truly bring you inside this world more than any graphics could have ever done

Ubisoft is nowadays often (and rightly) reviled for its empty openworlds, filled with millions of collectible items that, in the end, produce no real effect on the player.

Blood Dragon comes out in 2013 and, ALREADY aware of this bad turn Ubisoft games were taking, it jokes about it, creating the perfect version of these games: a parody. Not a parody that completely destroys and insults its source of inspiration, but a parody that takes what works and repeats it, joking about it.

In Blood Dragon, players find themselves in a fairly small map, easily walked around by the very fast protagonist. This makes collecting collectibles fast, fun, and assufacient. Not enough? Collectables FINALLY unlock something useful for the game: weapon modifications, EXCELLENT weapon modifications.

The plot is obviously a parody of 80s movies, and here again I find myself loving it: the protagonist kills avalanches of enemies without turning it into a massacre, but simply like anyone who crushes Goombas in Super Mario. They are there to be killed in fun ways. And this allows for an almost relaxing gameplay, a power fantasy where you can feel invincible without too much difficulty, something missing in some "git gud" games.

Played on Xbox Series S, very short loads, graphically perfect, a marvel that I highly recommend.

An expansion of one of the games I've played the most on the Switch, Sunbreak is a good expansion if what you're looking for is an excuse to go back and play Monster Hunter.

I'm the kind of person who, once I finish the story mode and defeat the last monster added with an update a couple of times, is happy with the game and puts it down. So for me this expansion was a way, an excuse, to get back into the game.

Is it worth it? New monsters are few, there are new weapons, locations, videos and characters, so... Yes and no? It depends on what you're looking for in a game. I've had my 50 hours, so I'm satisfied overall. I didn't get beyond the endgame where they simply tell you "defeat angry versions of old monsters to upgrade your weapons. They don't change their appearance, you just upgrade them." But I guess that's what fans of the series want: an excuse to come back and play. I'll play it here and there with my friend when they've added a lot of monsters, but for now I'm good.

ALWAYS entertaining. ALWAYS. I didn't get deep into the other modes apart from the basic one, but if you own this game in 2022 means you are emulating it. So for a "free" game it is more than incredible


I didn't play all the game but a little of the beginning and the last 2 hours with my girlfriend, which played all of it by herself. But from what I see it is a delicious game with cute tasks and riddles. I was less fun of the sneaky or running parts, because I was able to do them, but my girlfriend was not, despite making being able to play the rest of the game by herself, making me thinking that a "non violent only" game was going to be better.

Still, the art design, especially the robots, are all SOOOO cute!

Never played the OG Tetris on Gameboy but I instead started with more recent titles like Puyo Puyo Tetris and Tetris Effect: Connected. The absence of colors and the possibility to drop the pieces or store them make the game harder, but who are we kidding: this game formula was perfect since day 1