While I do prefer TTYD over this one, this game has a really unique and fun look that is completely changed for all further entries in the series, and that's too bad because I really like it! But yeah, it's another great Mario RPG, one of the best actually.

Brutal to the point of sometimes feeling unfair, but still one of the best 2D platformers. Also arguably the best looking Rayman game.

An incredible follow-up to Rayman Origins, continues what it started to create some of the most fun I've had with a game in a while. Doesn't do enough to really surpass Origins, but it's still another fantastic entry in the series.

This game is very important to me: it was my first N64 game, and the game that gave me my love for 3D platformers. I love the way levels flow into one another, the fake language the characters speak, the sort of dark fantasy/steampunk/pirate aesthetic that really makes this game stand out, the crazy amount of lore and the sense of just how big and dangerous Rayman's journey was. Nowadays I can see how it's inferior to other games in the genre, but I'll always love Rayman.

Ends up being a very different game from Rayman 2, but still good in its own right. The combat is really fun and the platforming is usually as good as 2, and the score system and powerup mechanics it introduces actually end up adding a lot to the game and how one approaches playing it. It just doesn't have the same grand sense of adventure 2 has, and just feels a lot less charming and exciting. Also ends in a way that almost feels like there was supposed to be more. It's a good game, just unfortunate it has to be the last 3D Rayman.

Weirdly enough my first Rayman game. It's just OK, but I had fun with it as a kid with my brothers.

A wonderful hidden gem on the Nintendo 64, takes obvious inspiration from other collect-a-thons around this time but manages to outdo them in the great feeling controls, the mechanics involving picking things up and hanging onto things with the grappling beam, and the variety of challenges and vehicles made available through each world. Every 3D platformer fan should seek this one out.

Possibly the best indie 2D platformer. Takes all the right lessons from the classics of the NES platformer era and uses them to create something that feels like a "greatest hits" of that era.

They didn't have to put Ristar on this but they did and I thank them every day for it.

The gems in Spyro are like, the most appealing collectable of all time. Something about the sound, shape, and color just fires up all the good parts of my brain.

Has that really good loop of "just one more day". There's always something to do or improve on, and the game both allows you to focus on what you like while also giving objectives for people who may be a little lost on what to do, it's just such a joy to fall in to.

Plenty has already been said on why this game is great, so let me just say I love Mario's sprite in this game. The dot eyes and black overalls is such a good look!

Love the era of Mario this comes from, where Nintendo would still let third-party developers get real weird with the characters and world, here Square created something really different that actually ended up influencing how these characters are portrayed, as well as the two Mario RPG series that came after it. It's unfortunate Nintendo from allowing something like this to now being furious at the idea of letting Intelligent Systems give a Koopa a different colored shell.

One thing I'll say about this game is that the soundtrack is like nothing else from future Smash games, it's really cool and unique and it gives this game a very specific vibe different from the rest. Metal Mario music slaps.

Gets basically everything right and totally improves on the original in such a way that established the hard and fast rule of "every Nintendo console needs Smash as soon as possible". Couldn't begin to estimate the amount of time I've put into this with friends and family.