A masterpiece. To this day I've yet to actually catch the sabertooth though.

I had a falling out with my best friend of 15 years because of this game.

Literal peak fiction. I have purchased every copy of this masterpiece at least four times (and my collection is growing). I have my wife pleasure me while I play so that my mind will always and forever associate the visage of Garfield with sheer and utter bliss. This game is a work of art that transcends any binary measurements of quality. One's enjoyment of this piece would surpass five measly stars - it would realistically reach into the billions, if not an infinite amount of stars. This game has changed my life and has taught me to astral project.

What kind of lineup for games was this dawg who's idea was this

This game is amazing but it made me cry so

As close to heaven as I'm ever getting

Unbelievably goated, one of my favourite 2D platformers of all time

Whoever made this game should be put on trial, the worst moments of my life are spent reminiscing on this game. Humanity should be ashamed of itself for even allowing this to exist. I'd give this negative 5 stars if I could

The worst best Persona game I've ever played but it has Akihiko so it washes P4