This review was written before the game released

This shit is never gonna get made

This review was written before the game released

I haven't even played it yet and its already a 5 star

Better than Arkham asylum in every way possible. Boss fights have been cut down significantly which is something I’m incredibly thankful for since I disliked the majority of the ones in Arkham Asylum and the story, environment and characters are all way more interesting.

I’ve had my low moments when it comes to this game but overall it comes together as such a beautiful experience to play that those bad moments don’t bother me. The story is simple but it’s done so in a way that basically anybody can relate to the main characters goal in one way or another. The characters, The level design, The mechanics and The beautiful pixelated graphics come together to craft One of the best Indie games ever.

The atmosphere and architecture of Arkham Asylum are both excellent and all of the villains are really fun but The boss fights are just awful (beside scarecrows which are basically just platforming rather than a boss fight) and Batman as a character is incredibly flat. Hopefully Arkham city is better

This is super impressive that one dude can make a better port than Nintendo can but I can't save so I might as well just play it on switch or my N64.

Well, I've finally finished the main line half-life games. I had always heard of the Half-life games and been interested in playing them not only because of the lore but because of impact they've have had on the video game landscape. And well after playing them over the course of this this year I can can confirm that while gameplay is slightly dated these games provide some of the best character, worldbuilding, lore and story in all of video games.

Short and sweet. A puzzle game that doesn't just have great puzzles but a great tone, atmosphere and a genuinely funny sense of humour. Can't wait to play the sequel.

Once again Capcom embarrasses itself by not being to put 2 old resident evil games (one of them being a decade old) on a switch cartridge when CD project Red can put the entire Witcher 3 on switch. Besides that there's nothing wrong with the games they're all incredibly entertaining. RE4 is basically a perfect game, RE5 is fun whilst also being pretty dumb and even though RE6 is kinda awful it still has its moments.

Sadly I lost my all my save data for this game so I probably won't be coming back to it soon since I just don't feel like replaying those copious amounts of hours I lost again, But for what I did play of it, I had a good time with it.