Fascinating, unique aesthetic. The monster combination system is really interesting, and it's a shame this never persisted and developed as a more complex, adult alternative to Pokémon.

Really cool class system. Always a sucker for mythology.

This is the most catholic game I have ever played.

Absurdly janky. But this is a masterclass in worldbuilding, and making even small, unspectacular sidequests feel count for something. The first third of the game is brilliant.

It may look bad, but this game started the entire 'roguelike + deckbuilder' subgenre. Slay the Spire, Monster Train, etc. may be more polished, but this one's still worth playing and is less afraid to go completely nuts with its concepts and numbers.

Couldn't really get into it. Maybe I got to it too late.

Absolute masterpiece of the tactics genre.

The music really carries it. The game's pretty good, though!

Minus points for baby mario's crying noises.


The music is incredible, but the game is just alright - and really really hard.

In terms of being a game, this beats every other RPG on the system - hands down. The puzzles are real brain-busters, the combat is fun, interacting with enemies on the map adds just enough depth to be worthwhile, and the capsule monster system is enjoyable.

Sadly, the game's structure, plot, and characters are all absurdly generic and boring. You repeatedly arrive at the next town with a problem, head to a tower / dungeon / cave and solve the problem, then travel to the next town through a cave.

This is the best multiplayer game - when it works. The physics often break, and then the server crashes. And then we queue up again.