an utter joy from beginning to end.I do have some small gripes with the design for Tartarus early on, but it quickly gets better and better. But I feel like, most importantly, they absolutely nailed the social aspect of it, particularly when it comes to the SEES team, and with all of them being interesting in their own right, it's not hard to see how or why someone (like me) would get attached to the characters pretty easily, which I feel like really makes this game feel as good as it does. Oh, and the dungeon crawling in Tartarus? Genuinely addicting. I cannot express just how much fun I've had just grinding beyond necessity just because i loved going around Tartarus grinding. It really does tend to nail pretty much everything it goes for. I love these people man. They're my friends. oomfs for life.

y'know, considering how much i liked watanagashi-hen, i'm genuinely surprised that this surpassed it in pretty much every way. fucking incredible.

it is hard to state just how influential and life changing Umineko is for me. This will always be an important piece of art until the day I die.

<See You Again>

this is the best thing I've ever read and im only halfway done

Fantastic game fantastic gunplay and wonderful level design but it has the issue of not being Quake 1

Necessary play for anyone who likes Quake, containing multiple of my outright favorite maps I've had the pleasure to play with so many extra additions (new weapons, new enemies, new mechanics) with maps that are given so much attention and care to not only as beautiful as this game can manage but to also make expertly designed where you know where you are a lot of the time because areas are usually fairly distinct, as well as making the pace of combat as smooth as can be. I can't even begin to express just how in awe I am of this mod. Easily the best experience I've had playing an FPS and in turn in all of gaming. I love this.

Oh, and play Tears ofthe False God. Favorite map in this mod. Probably the best map I've ever played in a shooter.

Heavy recommendation: ad_tears, ad_dm5, ad_zendar, ad_swampy, ad_magna, ad_tfuma, ad_sepulcher

Solid and lovely game in the franchise that falters here and there but is overall lovely. Main aspect where this game stands outs are the characters in this game, all of which feel like they have their own unique charm that the series feels like the series only tapped into in this game, where all the characters feel inherently cartoony while also being able to take them seriously and most importantly imagine what kinda stuff they would do outside of the trials, which is a thing I don't think I felt about in previous games, barring some characters that were charming enough to leave an impression on me, like Will Powers, Adrian Andrews, Ron & Desirée. It feels like I distinctly remember characters like Wocky, Guy Eldoon, Daryan, Valant, Vera, there's just so many characters that stand out and are unique AND interesting in their on ways that I feel like is different than before. I dunno. I simply just love and enjoy a lot about this game and its characters. Pretty damn solid.

All hits, no misses, even at its worst its still really fucking good. No doubt about it, it's the best game in the franchise both from both a writing and gameplay perspective. Perfect amount of psyche locks to keep the game's pacing going without a single stop along the way, with the trials feeling like they're perfectly crafted with lively and standout characters (Godot in particular, he's a total riot) just makes this a pure joy to play. Probably one of the best ends for a trilogy.

Mediocre first trial, lovely but short lived second trial, worst case in the series and then my outright favorite trial in the entire franchise, managing to be really tense, funny, enjoyable, heartwrenching, scary and beautiful with masterful proficiency. The game itself is good, but I'd do anything to get people to play Farewell, My Turnabout. I adore it enough that it makes up for the lackluster previous trials. Can't give it any more praise if i tried. i love adrian andrews also.

Very start of a lovely franchise it more or less nails most of the things it goes for and the addition of Rise from the Ashes just makes an already incredible game just that much more great.

kay faraday is the best character in the franchise


i am unable to express the amount of joy this game gives me, SPECIALLY when it comes to rocket jumping. this one's a quick fave. I love Quake.

this is legitimately the most fun i've ever had playing a game in the past three years. This is will be eternal for me. I love this.


i fucking love shooting demons with various weapons in my arsenal enough that ive begun to not really mind the maze-like design that the game has that's kept me away for as long as i did... but that's so very much worth it to just enjoy that on top of feel the satisfaction when you 100% the kills, items and/or secret that will probably keep me going back for more. Playing DOOM 2 is a guarantee for me at this point.

absolutely incredible. much more intuitive than i was expecting and managed to not feel like like a slog, which considering my affinity with this kind of game, is a giant, but welcome surprise. fantastic.