The gameplay is dogshit why is this praised so much????

The story is the best in the series, but the gameplay feels like a downgrade from the second game.

Insomniac really outdid themselves. This game was amazing, and is easily my personal game of the year. Miles' evolved suit is shit, though, don't let Insomniac cook a suit like that again.

19 inches of Venom go crazy frfr 🔥

The Marathon trilogy's story is amazing. I wish Halo and Destiny were this good. However, I'm still not a big fan of old school shooters so I give this a 4/5 star rating.

The game play isn't bad and it is a big improvement upon the first game, but I am not a big fan of retro-style shooters. However, The story is amazing, and I would say it's better than most Halo games 👀

Not a huge fan of retro shooters but the story is great. I like the story more than most of Halo tbh.

Not a bad game but I don't think it lives up to the hype.

Not as good as I initially thought (low bar for Atlus games anyway) after thinking about it more. Atlus is overrated

The story was underwhelming and the direction for the future parts don't look interesting to me. The gameplay also feels pretty slow/rough and it doesn't help that bosses are tanky as well, and the aerial combat is also pretty bad. There isn't a reason for me to play this over the original besides the graphics; disappointing remake all around.

This game has one of the worst combat systems in an action/rpg game to date. Square Enix will never top KH2 Final Mix or KH3 ReMind except maybe with KH4, honestly.

The story was very nice, and I'd say this was better than the main story. Definitely better than Persona as well just like the rest of the series.